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The Abridged Biography of Mr. House, Part 1

Before writing here, I’ve read many debates over the factions in New Vegas. Although I’ve seen many good points, I also feel that Mr. Robert Edwin House is often grossly misunderstood – both by his supporters AND by his detractors. To assist, I’ve endeavoured to read up on all dialogue, letters and terminal entries concerning House, and from that write out a summarized biography with occasional insights into the man’s character. What you’ll read is by no means exhaustive (and I always enjoy new perspectives from others), but it IS going to be a fair bit of reading. I mean, seriously, this is the abridged biography of a 200+ year old man, not some low-effort meme post.
Grab yourself some biscuits and make some nice hot tea. Sit back, relax and enjoy at your own pace.
DISCLAIMER: A flaw of my writing style, especially when using this many words, is that I can appear all over the place at times. I'm trying to improve that. Feedback is appreciated, and I love answering questions should you have any. Don't panic if I don't respond quickly though, IRL is kinda hectic right now.
Anyways, where shall we begin? Oh, right.
To understand House, we must examine the context he inhabited Pre-War.
1) Family Matters
“Born June 25th, 2020, House was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a freak accident (auto gyro, lightning). Though cheated of his inheritance, House attended the prestigious Institute in Massachusetts and founded RobCo Industries on his 22nd birthday. Within five years, it was one of the most profitable corporations on Earth.”
I have tried to find other texts to support the story Robert House gives of his early life (since we all know his obituary has more than a little embellishment in it), but haven’t found much, other than the eerie terminal logs in the H&H Tools Factory. The logs in general paint an objective picture of his half-brother Anthony House as a deranged man, ending with this noteworthy passage:
“It's worse than I feared. Henderson sent a 10-point memo outlining the benefits of mechanization and automation. As if I wouldn't know he's been plotting with my half-brother the entire time! I knew he was a weasel-dick traitor from the moment I laid eyes on him. Only one thing to do. One thing, and the company - my father's LEGACY - is safe forever. Cindy-Lou will bring him to me, and then I'll make an example. The Bastard will learn why you don't cross the House.”
“Jenny, What the hell is up with these guys? They've been coming after our market share like they've got something to prove. No, strike that, this feels personal. Did Mr. H. run over RobCo's dog or something? Alan”
With the above in mind, it is believable that Anthony House had cheated Robert House out of his inheritance, with the former viewing the latter as “The Bastard” (due to Robert being the younger half-brother) and thus undeserving of any part of the House family legacy. We can thus take the QUOTED part of House’s obituary above more or less at face value.
2) The end is nigh!
Now, years after raising a famous company from almost nothing, Mr. House deduced the occurrence of the Great War. By his own account, he first deduced this in 2065 – at this point in time, according to the Fallout Bible and Van Buren, Vault-Tech’s “Project Safehouse” had been in motion for over 11 years with the apparent goal being to shelter humanity in the event of a large-scale nuclear or bio-weapon holocaust. Europe and the Middle East were mutually ruined due to extended conflict and lack of resources. Heritage sites like the Grand Canyon were open to be mined. And the UN may-or-may-not-have been disbanded. Going by the GNN report in Fallout 2 the UN still had at least another (fairly ineffectual) 9 years left counting down from 2065. According to the Fallout Bible, it was already long dead. Either way, the world was in bad shape.
It’d be easy for us, at this point, to turn to Mr. House’s prediction and say something along the lines of “No kidding”. It seems obvious, from where we stand now in the Pre-War Fallout world, that there would be a nuclear Holocaust. And indeed, it was obvious. Even the Mormons were buying spots in Project Safehouse, if we are to believe Van Buren in that particular instance. What made House unique in his deduction, however, was knowing not only that the Atomic Holocaust WOULD happen no matter what (Vault-Tech’s plans were based more around general contingencies for any large-scale apocalypse), but he also knew precisely WHEN it would happen – the War only starting a day or so sooner than he expected.
As an aside, in light of the shambles the Pre-War world was in, one must wonder just how much it actually meant to be “one of the most profitable corporations on Earth”. Earth, at that point, was almost a wasteland already and House still built and sustained a thriving business. But I digress; we’re not yet worrying about how House could rebuild a wasteland. What we need to look at now is this – what did House do with his uniquely precise knowledge of the impending Apocalypse?
“I knew I couldn't ‘save the world,’ nor did I care to. But I could save Vegas, and in the process, perhaps, save mankind.”
And really, it is no wonder House did not care to save the world – there was barely anything left to save. The UN – an international force for peace – had either died or was rapidly weakening. The U.S. began setting its sights on annexing Canada. Entire forests were felled, Once-ler style, just as countries were felled to acquire them. Sure, people could build power armour, but only because the US military could no longer afford to fuel their tanks for sufficient mobility, and their “Mechanized Cavalry” needed something to take into battle. Even electricity is rationed after the fusion reactor of New York City almost went supercritical under the strain of providing for a 17 million+ strong population (Fallout Bible). And, despite all their troubles, America was still one of the best off countries in the world at this point (which makes you wonder how much worse it was in the others).
But whilst America carried on, Lonesome Road and Old World Blues show us that its values had changed, almost as if in a twisted homage to Heath Ledger’s Joker - “You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve." We see this theme echoed in the NCR and even the Followers of the Apocalypse, but we’ll get to that later.
The Pre-War world wasn’t some ideal Utopia that was only ruined by the tragedy of the bomb. It was already a desperate place, already a wasteland in many ways. There simply wasn’t enough left on Earth to provide for everyone (RIP Charlie Chaplin). And that’s why House could never hope to save everyone, let alone the planet they lived on. Anything he tried on that scale would be “too little, too late”.
3) Who Wants to Live Forever Anyways?
So…why did House choose to save Vegas?
Some say he did so in order to save himself. But if he truly wished to save himself, he could have been like Senator Todd Peterson, and built himself a private bunker within which to live out his days with whatever loved ones he may have had. Even if he wouldn’t be immortal, it’d still be a MUCH more comfortable way to spend his days. When it comes to the life he eventually chose, the Official Game Guide has this to say about House:
“He is emaciated to the point of being skeletal, bones visible under pale, translucent skin crisscrossed by faint blue blood vessels. House's command helmet is not detachable - we don't want to imply that the player could put it on and take his place. The helmet might be bolted right into his skull, like a "halo" used to stabilize severe neck injuries. Or it might not be a helmet at all, the top of Mr. House's skull having been removed and fitted with transistors and vacuum tubes.”
No, House did not endeavour to save himself. If anything, he condemned himself to a special kind of Hell. He was a man with the means to luxury, and yet sealed himself off from it, and almost all human experience the average man might take for granted (the smell of a flower, the touch of a woman, the feeling of a cool breeze on a Summer day)…forever. He mentions his longevity came with a cost. He was not kidding. If anything, he was understating.
Others instead compare House to Andrew Ryan, and say that he saved Vegas only so he could be the head amongst the wealthy and the elite. I must disagree here too – the tribals he later babysits were never elite in their own right by Pre-War standards before House’s intervention. Aside from being a superficial reference to Howard Hughes, House has very little in common with Ryan. Billions of US Dollars were at House’s disposal. If he really wished to be a leading figure amongst the elite, he would’ve built the Fallout equivalent of Rapture in the middle of the ocean ages ago. Or he would’ve built his own “Sierra Madre” to rival Sinclair. Or he would’ve ingratiated himself with the Enclave (who he did contract work for) or the Institute (where he studied), who could’ve used a man like him to lead their projects.
He did none of those things. He chose to save Vegas. Young, old, rich, poor, honest and crooked alike. And he chose to become immortal, despite the steep personal costs.
But why?
4) Long Term Investments
“Vegas is more than a city. It is the remedy to Mankind’s…derailment.”
And all of these resources would fall within range of his Securitron Network – at least once the Mk II upgrade arrives.
If we are to believe that Mr. House wished to establish colonies on new worlds as a solution to Earth’s resource problem regardless of whether the War happens first or not (and the Official Game Guide confirms House is interested in technological progress, at the very least), then it makes sense that House would choose Vegas – not because it is particularly important in itself (compared to other possible cities), but because it is the central location from which he could gain control of resources vital to the space program –renewable energy, REPCONN HQ, rocket test sites and seemingly limitless clean water for his employees. Still, as we find out later, House doesn’t let Vegas itself go to waste by any means…
The site chosen, House toiled over his defenses. He built a nuclear reactor under his casino with enough energy to power the Mojave. He built a life-support system to ensure his survival into the post-apocalypse, no matter the cost. He built Securitrons to protect his interests in the aftermath, and then built a factory/ storage facility for them under Fortification Hill – a mere stone’s throw from Hoover Dam - so that his army might never run out. Meanwhile, the brilliant Big MT scientist who would become Dr. 0 silently fumed in envy over House’s superior abilities in robotics.
Some may doubt that the Fort’s bunker was a factory. After all, House just calls it a “barracks”, which implies storage, right? Well, consider some barracks have recruitment offices – and in RTS style games, they’re often functionally the same building. Now what would the Securitron equivalent of a “recruitment office” be? Powering up the Fort Bunker causes distinct, repetitive hydraulic sounds, as if there were an assembly line moving. Does that sound like mere storage to you? No. You think he’d build an army with no way to replenish it?
“I'm surprised you can still underestimate me after everything you've seen.”
5) For Want of a Nail
But now, ironically after the above quote, we encounter House’s greatest failure. You see, House had everything set up, but it was still in BETA (insert Fallout76 Joke here). He commissioned the “Platinum Chip” to contain all the patches, software upgrades and override commands he could need for the foreseeable future. It was specially shaped so it could only be used on hardware he specified – no other company could hope to steal it or otherwise use it for their own purposes. The Chip was finished and scheduled to arrive a day before the predicted date of the war.
And then the War arrived a day early.
77 Warheads targeted Vegas. Mr. House, irrevocably entombed within his Life Chambers, readied Vegas’ defenses…
“I was in Mexico City when the bombs dropped. Even from there, we could see House's defensive rockets shooting down the incoming missiles.” -Raul Tejeda
And what House couldn’t shoot down, he hacked, deactivating warheads mid-air so they could never reach Vegas. But, because the Platinum Chip hadn’t arrived in time, the software remained a BETA - and would for another 204 years. Nine warheads managed to impact the Mojave.
*“When blaring civil defense sirens heralded mankind's doom on October 23rd, 2077, the citizens of Las Vegas bore witness to an astonishing spectacle. Huge laser cannons unfurled from secret housings in the roof of the Lucky 38 casino and Hoover Dam's intake towers and began spitting blasts of green fire into the sky, destroying warhead after warhead and sparing Las Vegas's urban center and the dam from direct hits. Citizens filled the streets and cheered. And then they died horribly from the lethal fallout that blew in from the dozens of warheads that detonated around Las Vegas.
Though Mr. House's missile defense grid performed admirably, the Great War was in actuality the day of his greatest setback.”*
House saved no-one that day. You were either in a Vault, or you were House, or you were dead.
Software bugs, compounded by the EMP from nuclear fallout, caused the defense action House put forward to result in multiple system crashes, forcing him to shut down his fully automated reactor before it melted down from faulty programming. Now without Hoover Dam (EMP) or his reactor, House’s life support relied on a very limited supply of emergency power. It was all he could do to restore his OS to an even less advanced -but more stable- build before passing out from shock.
6) Too Stubborn to Die
Now, the Courier is famous for rising from the grave to finish their quest - but House did it first. 61 years after the bombs dropped, House woke up. At this time, the Master (of Super Mutant army fame) was active and alive. Vault 15 – from which Shady Sands was built – hadn’t even opened yet. The majority of House’s Securitrons are offline, with only a handful of downgraded ones stationed in his casino. Raiders plagued the Wastes. And House’s own limited power supplies dwindled ever lower.
Now, he lived a full life. Raul notes how House was something of a superstar who dated all the beautiful women and made billions before the War, reaching the ripe age of 57 before the bombs fell. After losing almost everything in his gamble to try save Vegas, it’d be tempting for anyone in House’s position to give up, to shut down again and just…die. Instead…
“Immediately he began using his Securitron robots to search out human settlements…”
From this point onwards (until his determinant acquisition of the Dam) House is forced to make choices most of us don’t even have to consider. Everyone has to worry about their budget for the month. Some of us have to worry about their budget for the year…or a company’s or even country’s budget for a similar period - maybe 5 or 10 years, in some cases. House has chosen to worry about the World’s “budget” (fiscal or otherwise) over the course of…forever, because no one else alive is as acutely aware of the global resource shortage as House, who lived through multiple wars caused by it, culminating in that big famous one that almost ended the world.
“For years, I played a miser with my emergency power supply. I began to run out of reserves around the time I woke the first batch of Securitrons”.
Of course, House had his own budgets to worry about. It was not long after sending out his forces to find other humans that his power supply began to dip dangerously low. Realizing the costs of waking up his robots after the first batch forced House to play very carefully – after all, he couldn’t enact his plans to revitalize the global economy if he died now, could he? He sent his mechanical agents out, quietly hiring prospectors to find his beloved Chip – with no personnel or infrastructure to reproduce it, he had to find it…before he shut off forever.
Beyond that, he ran silently, keeping his “electrical bill” as low as possible, hoping the Chip would find him in time. As it turns out, the NCR got to him first.
If you ever wondered why House did not try to personally civilize Vegas, introduce sustainable agriculture and grant free schooling before NCR showed up, it’s because doing those things would require him to take a very active role in life outside the Lucky 38, and doing that, with his power reserves as they were, would have been fatal for him (to say nothing of the mutants, raiders, etc). This is the weakest he has ever been since his half-brother swindled him.
But I digress. The NCR is on the horizon…as was the Legion.
7) I Called Dibs 2 Centuries Ago
Suddenly, things moved very quickly. For years after the Wastes were repopulated, (what passed for) peace and order in Nevada was maintained by the vigilante Desert Rangers, who allowed themselves to be absorbed into the NCR in 2271, in exchange for help against Caesar. A year later, the Mojave Outpost as we see it –under NCR- came to be, the Mojave south of the Vegas area having been pacified earlier under the leadership of then-General Kimball. Then, Kimball achieving Presidency, Hoover Dam fell under their grip.
In the span of 2274 House engaged his final power reserves in a last-ditch effort to secure his future (and, by proxy and from his perspective, the future of Mankind). Beatrix Russel and the King describe Pre-House Vegas as a place where everyone got by, but the truth is less-than-spotless; according to the FNVOGG, tribes fought amongst the ruins – Slither Kin, Boot Riders, Great Khans, and many other smaller or more mysterious groups. Using Securitrons as his intermediaries, Mr. House enlisted the help of all who were both willing and capable of aiding him, playing on their self-interest and need to survive by promising (and delivering) them resources and power. But whilst you can teach tribals to fight your enemies and socialize with your allies, you can’t turn them into a competent team of technical specialists – not in the time available. And he’d need educated men and women to truly restore the glamour of his New Vegas.
And that’s where Vault 21 came in. After uncooperative tribes like the Great Khans were pushed off the areas around the Strip, House made an offer to this community, who had previously lived in peace as chaos raged above them. The offer was simple: help rebuild Vegas…or not. Most chose the second option, but a small group of Vault residents decided to gain support on House’s behalf, eventually achieving a consensus: they would work for House, and opened their doors to him. They soon found themselves aiding House’s tribals in building a massive wall sheltering both the Strip and Freeside from the rest of Vegas. Vault 21’s lower levels were salvaged of useful technology to aid in construction…and then (infamously) filled with concrete to ensure future, less innocent visitors to the Vault couldn’t use it to breach the Lucky 38’s sub-levels or Vegas’ defenses. At the request of its more agoraphobic residents, House spared Vault 21’s top levels, transforming it into a hotel for them to run. With the Vegas Strip being far larger – more casinos, more housing, more everything – in lore, art and cutscenes compared to in-game, it is plausible to believe the displaced Vault Dwellers were rehoused on the Strip itself; as relatively well educated individuals, they’d be invaluable in House’s endeavours – of the three we met, we know one became House’s top sign artist, one became a hotel manager and one voluntarily left Vegas to be a travelling doctor before retiring in Goodsprings (we know because he eventually returned to marry his sweetheart, who still lived not far from the Vault she came from).
Whilst not yet open for business by any means, House had managed to turn a ruin plagued with tribal conflicts into a citadel presided over by Three Families. The NCR arrived in force, expecting just another wasted city picked over by warring raiders…and instead found a fortress in the wastes…and surprisingly, one that not only wasn’t hostile to them, but outright welcomed them…providing certain concessions were made…
With the threat of the Legion just on the horizon, NCR were faced with an offer they could not refuse – they would be allowed to set up an embassy and police force on the Strip, as well as a military base in Outer Vegas so long as they provided 5% of the Dam’s power output to Vegas (which they would need to do to make use of their embassy and base anyways) and allow their citizens and soldiers on leave to enjoy House’s amenities at their own discretion. Sounds pretty reasonable, doesn’t it? NCR agreed to the terms, implicitly legitimizing the sovereignty of New Vegas under House. Power flowed to the Strip and House, who had to suffer multiple power outages, whose salves and meds almost curdled because of this, whose life was literally tied to that of his battery…could finally breathe easy, now having more (electrical) power than he knew what to do with.
8) But why didn’t House…?
You may be asking “Why didn’t House instead provide his resources to the NCR, allowing them to push the tribals out of Vegas and restore it that way, possibly becoming a prominent citizen in the process?”
House’s detractors often refer to his compulsive need for control, and control is precisely why House would rather recruit tribals to work for him than try to merge with something larger. But why does House want that control?
I’d argue it isn’t due to a compulsive need for it – his leadership is extremely hands-off. To understand why House wants to remain in control, rather than admit subservience to a larger civilization, we need to look back to Pre-War America and that Joker quote we put down earlier.
NCR is, in many ways, similar to Pre-War US. It was founded on lofty ideals. And when resources became scarce? They abandoned their ideals and annexed whatever and whoever they wanted to get more resources until the globe was almost depleted and -BOOM! So far, NCR is just at the “annexing” stage (not that they have nukes anyways), but the globe is about as depleted as it was 200 years ago.
Chief Hanlon speaks of the overconsumption and mismanagement of water in their territories, Doctor Hildern predicts a famine after a decade of population growth. Supporting this, the intro-cutscene for the game outright states NCR’s expansion is influenced by a lack of resources for their growing populace. NCR’s current population as a nation…around 700 000. Compare that to Johannesburg’s (which is just one city) population of 900 000+. Compare that to the 39 million+ strong population of real life California today. And NCR is the largest unified population on the continent. And they’re running out of resources already. By modern IRL standards, the population that Earth (or at least, America) can sustain in the Post-War Fallout universe is absolutely tiny. Even the possible savior we find within Big MT’s matter replicators is in question, with the substantially wealthy Sinclair being driven almost into debt just to fund the creation a few according to the terminal in the Y-0 Lab, and very few having been found outside the Sierra Madre despite Dean’s claims. Of course, perhaps that could change with time and resources directed towards further development, but until then… (As it stands, Pre-War US couldn’t/ didn’t make them economically viable to produce before the Great War started). If even the Followers of the Apocalypse are willing to commit murder over water at this juncture (White Wash), imagine how things would be later down the line. There aren’t infinite resources in the Fallout world – just too few people to deplete what is left…yet.
No one is as painfully aware of the resource shortage as House. Maybe others of his intellect will rise up in the NCR, but like him in Pre-War US, they won’t detect the issue until it’s too late to properly solve it. Not wanting to gamble on the multi-headed NCR following his advice forever, he instead puts on an appearance of having power, ensuring full control over his enterprises. This is why House doesn’t bid for NCR citizenship.
He’s seen what happens to Democracies when the going gets truly desperate – how they corrupt into oligarchies blinded by greed or desperation. Rather than watch that happen again, he chooses to become an autocrat in a long-term venture for the good of Mankind – after all (as we’ve stated before), he has little reason to continue living for himself.
9) The Nature of the Strip
“A fool and his money are soon parted.” – Proverbs, 21:20, King James Bible
Strip away the gambling amenities, and what is left? A luxury resort, a fine-dining restaurant, an art gallery, a theatre, bars, hotels, a brothel and a gentleman’s club.
For want of a nail, House cannot access the powerful amenities around Vegas, but he’s made the best of the city itself. Early on, access between the Strip and Freeside was unrestricted (according to the FNVOGG) – Securitrons thoroughly patrolled both areas and just about everybody there was living relatively well.
For those of you familiar with casinos, you know they pull every trick in the book – the smiling staff, the bright lights, the music, and the colours – in order to subtly entice you to make a wager. For those who’ve only visited casinos to partake in their collection of arcades, restaurants, cinemas or theatres, you know all those psychological prompts to “pay to watch people flip paper squares”, as Follows-Chalk likes to say, are entirely ignorable.
For a man like House, the Strip exists to collect money (a.k.a. the power to requisition resources) from those who do not know how to spend it and redistribute it into the hands of those working towards his ends (maintenance aside, recovering his Chip – which is still invaluable despite the power from Hoover Dam - is becoming a tad expensive, after all). It also exists as a place of culture and relaxation for more responsible visitors. For many others, however, the Strip has become a beacon of hope.
Enthusiastic entertainers finally had a place to permanently employ their gifts. Those who were unfortunate in life but otherwise hard-working made livings as Street Vendors on the Strip, earning far more than they could anywhere else even after taking House’s Franchisee taxes into account. And formerly inter-warring tribals were finally living in peace, operating lavish casinos semi-independently in return for making and enforcing certain agreements with House (notably, cannibalism carries the death penalty).
10) The Separation from Freeside
Around two years BEFORE the game started, or 2 years AFTER the First Battle of Hoover Dam, House began to wall Freeside off from the Strip. Whether it was due to being overwhelmed by too many people trying to spend money they didn’t actually have, or due to a security issue, House decided to pull his Securitron forces and loyal employees off of Freeside to concentrate on the Strip, with admittance becoming more exclusive. You either:
a) possessed a passport indicating you were trusted to visit the Strip
b) had enough money on you to prove you were a tourist who could afford to enjoy the Strip’s services (there is no entry tax or fee – just a credit check to ensure you aren’t going to just indebt yourself within 5 seconds of visiting)
c) have to stay in Freeside or go home
d) were an NCR soldier or VIP on leave
e) tried to break past a cordon of armed robots whilst ignoring their instructions to stop and turn around, earning yourself a Darwin Award (of course, NCR troops will also kill you if you try to use “their” Monorail under similar circumstances, only they won’t wait for you to break past them).
But despite the new checkpoint, a woman from North Vegas – who previously could barely afford to eat – found good, steady work on the Strip as a salesperson. Street performers like the Lonesome Drifter or Billy Knight were admitted in without a peep. Although it’s true that the Strip’s services cater to the rich, the people it truly looks after are the hard working and enthusiastic (Billy Knight isn’t an exceptional comedian, but he clearly loves his work and that was clearly enough). Remember that no one local to Vegas was rich before House came back –since his resurrection he has been an employer of the willing and the able, and that hasn’t changed. Vegas puts on a big show for wealthy consumers, but it’s people like Billy Knight or the woman from North Vegas who come out ahead.
But, of course, not everyone liked the idea of working for House. Perhaps, more tragically, they decided too late to find employment as all staff slots were filled. Regardless, Freeside, with most of its more capable now residing on the Strip, and the Securitons no longer protecting it, degenerated back into lawlessness and became a hive of scum and villainy. It is from these conditions that a man calling himself the King rallied various dispossessed former tribals of all colours into a new tribe of his own. But we’ll return to him later…
We never find out for certain why House shut out Freeside. The Locals will blame the droves of NCR squatters around Vegas (for just about everything), but we’ll likely never know for certain beyond plausible speculations.
submitted by DarthAdjutor to fnv [link] [comments]

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My Lucky Night

My Lucky Night
"My luck is going to change RIGHT NOW", I said to myself as I lit a cigarette and strode confidently into the casino.
So far my luck had been complete and utter shit. I had traveled to the Bahamas to watch my home team compete in the Battle For Atlantis NCAA basketball tournament. So far we were 0-2. Our first loss was devastating to say the least - our second loss, nothing less than humiliating. We needed a win. I needed a win.
The roulette table was nearly dead when I laid down my bills and received a small stack of chips. Black was leading at 73% and I was feeling cautious. Minimum bet, black, spin that wheel. Hit. Again. Hit.
A young newlywed couple sat next to me. She would cover the board with singles and squeal with delight every time she won. She didn't take into account the fact that she was actually netting -10 with every spin. The new groom didn't seem to mind - he was so happy to be with his bride that he bought me a beer.
After I had amassed a respectable number of chips I decided to be bold. I spread my dark blue chips across the board, concentrating on 20. The blushing bride asked why I favored that number.
"I was born on the 20th", I replied. "Oh my god ME TOO!", she gushed as she placed 5 chips on top of mine.
Spin the wheel, no more bets, BANG! 20, even, black. This earned me another beer.
My confidence grew with each spin. It seemed as if I could not lose. Sometimes I won 2x, sometimes 8x and sometimes the gods smiled on me and granted me with 32x.
This continued for about an hour. People came and went, placing $100 bets on red, or odd and sulking away disappointed. By this point I believe I had consumed 4 complimentary beers and a large bottle of water. Somewhere in the edges of my subconsciousness I felt a slight tingle - merely a suggestion of a thought. It wasn't enough to prompt me to action as I was winning. And everyone knows you don't mess with a winning streak. Little did I know that my luck would prove to be more powerful than I expected.
After the wheel hit 35 for the third time in 10 minutes my subconscious had pushed the suggestion of a thought into a very real and very physical pressure in my lower abdomen. The beer, combined with the after-dinner coffee had apparently run its course and was ready to be released back into the wild from whence it came. I tried to argue with my body.
"I'm $300 up!", I cried internally. "HOW LUCKY DO YOU FEEL?", came the reply from the darkest recesses of my brain.
Quickly, I did the math. I could put it all on a 50/50 bet and still have time to cash out and make it to the nearest restroom. I pushed my chips on to black and held my breath. It was at that moment that the pit boss changed dealers. This was unforeseen, but manageable. The new dealer got right to business and threw the marble. Black it was! I hastily gathered my chips, cashed them in and began my trek to the bathroom.
As soon as I stood my colon decided to get in on the action. I took a step, but gingerly. My belt dug in to my full bladder which caused me to almost double over. The closest facility was through the casino and on the other side of the hotel lobby. With every step I gained a greater understanding of the trials faced by Odysseus as he embarked upon his treacherous journey back home to his loving wife. I sought not the comfort of familiar arms, and a warm bed but the sweet ivory embrace of porcelain upon my bursting butt cheeks.
The casino was crowded but not overly so. In the passageway between the casino and the hotel lobby stood about 20 of the most beautiful people I had ever seen. Supermodels, all of them. They were all in town to celebrate the premiere of a new line of high-end jewelery made by someone of which I had never heard. Elegantly dressed and VERY European, they stood, dripping with diamonds and adopting overly-bored looks for a mincing photographer. It was at this point that my luck would be tested once again.
My colon had, at that point, decided that the combination of shashimi, cajun-spiced pasta, coffee and beer had generated more PSI than it could handle. Should I take the gamble?
"DO IT.", my mind commanded. I firmly believe that the voice in my head at that exact moment was that of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Slowly, cautiously, I unclenched just enough to allow for the pressure building inside of my foul innards to return to a manageable state. The noise was not unlike the sound of the archangel Gabriel's trumpet as described in the book over Revelation (Chapter 8, verse 7 for those interested). The stench was something out of the nightmares of H.P. Lovecraft. Slowly, everyone in the area turned to face me. They wore masks combined of accusation and absolute horror. It was not unlike the final scene from the classic horror film “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”, only everyone involved was elegantly dressed and perfectly groomed.
It mattered not – I was beyond their base existence. Mine was a primal fight against my very body. They could go back to their chateaus and villas and sissy motor scooters and fancy, tiny coffees tomorrow. I, however, was engaged in an epic struggle. They could not be expected to understand my plight. Although I had befouled their orgy of opulence, I could not help but smile. For I had gambled on a fart and won by God!
The next obstacle lay ahead of me. As the hotel was populated mostly by North Americans, the staff had decided to go out of their way and provide a giant Christmas tree complete with elves and good ol' Saint Nick himself. I spotted Santa surrounded by a throng of children and briefly allowed myself to wonder how the hotel management was able to find a fat, Caucasian man with a snow-white beard on the island when one of the elves saw me approaching.
“What would you like Santa to bring you for Christmas mon?”, he said with a genuinely pleasant smile, “Perhaps some nice new threads and tings?”
“Nothing”, I muttered, “I want nothing.”
The elf seemed displeased with my answer and decided to bring in a higher authority.
“ 'Ey Fadda Christmas – dis guy he don' wan' no presents!”, the elf mused joyfully.
“Everyone wants presents!”, the jolly fat man boomed.
I managed to straighten myself up as much as my screaming abdomen would allow and said, “Mr. Claus, I wish for nothing more than peace on Earth and good will towards men.”
As it turned out, my answer stirred something within his velvet-clad soul. He stepped through the small gathering of children and their pleas for age-inappropriate video games and stood right before me.
“You truly have the Christmas spirit young man! That makes me proud!”, he roared as he lay a meaty hand upon my shoulder. “May you get all of the things in life that you deserve!”
With that he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. The distinct aroma of the local rum wafted from his gullet as I found myself trapped. When the unwelcome molestation was over, I thanked him and wished him a merry Christmas and proceeded on my epic quest.
The sign was right in front of me - “Men's Room”. My goal was in sight - I just had to get there. Each step was now an eternity. In my peripheral vision I could see people staring at me – judging me. As I opened the door to my salvation, I scanned the stalls. Mercifully, all of them were vacant. I entered the first one, removed my jacket and turned to secure the latch. No dice – the latch was broken. Only God knows how I managed to exit the stall and enter the next one. Again, my luck proved true – the latch worked.
As I struggled to remove my belt and unbutton my jeans I could feel my time running out.
“No”, I thought, “Not when I am this close!”
Again, the universe aligned, my pants dropped to my ankles and, just as my bare flesh touched the seat my bowels unleashed their fury. In perfect concert, my bladder erupted with such force that my mind's eye could not help but envision Mt. Vesuvius. I could have sworn I heard the 1812 Overture being played. Faintly, softly.
Feeling significantly lighter, I gathered my wits, zipped up my pants, threw my jacket over my shoulder and left the bathroom stall that now resembled the Bikini Atoll after nuclear testing. Deciding that my luck was at an end, I retired to my room feeling more than satisfied. For on this eve, I had looked the gods in the eye and survived to tell the tale.
TLDR; Won $300 at the casino, had to pee / poop really bad, gambled on a fart and won in front of a bunch of european supermodels almost causing an international incident, made it to the bathroom in the nick of time.
submitted by mdinstuhl to self [link] [comments]

[Table] IAMA white guy who worked the overnight shift weekend shift alone at an inner-city housing project. I have seen a ton of messed up stuff AMA..

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Date: 2012-02-25
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Questions Answers
¿ What scarred you for life? The one thing I will NEVER forget is a young girl who hung around on the weekends. I had a suspicion that she was younger than 18 but she claimed she was 18. When I asked to see her ID, she showed it to me and it looked legit (holograms and what not) and said she was 18. I come in one weekend and ask where she is because she was not around. It turns out she was a runaway who got sucked into the sex trade which is rampant in Ohio and was shipped down to Columbus. Guys were passing her around upstairs for 10 bucks a pop. She was 14. I felt fucking horrible for not trusting my gut. I guess I will tell you something else since I already posted something about a young girl who was a a runaway and was passed from guy to guy for 10 dollars a pop. Another instance involved another prostitute. She was legit mentally handicapped, could barely function. She started showing up towards the end of my time there. She was passed around as well but I believe her rate was 5 for sex. Apparently she was having a heart attack and a guy just put her in the elevator and pressed the down button so she would come to the lobby. The elevator opened and she was obviously in need of help. I laid her down and called an ambulance. It turned out it wasn't a heart attack but she turned out to be alright and showed back up later that night.
Since when is the sex trade rampant in Ohio? Toledo is a huge hub for interstate human trafficking. I will find some stats if I get a chance. I'm not insulting Ohio, it is just that you can get to somewhere like 75% of the country within 24 hours from Ohio.
Did you make friends with any of the people there and what did they think of you? Oh yea of course. There were about 150-200 residents there. I tried my best to help everyone. When I first showed up they thought I was a cop because I was white. There was a guy James who would come and mop the lobby every night at 3 AMish. We built a pretty strong bond. I helped him make a resume and he eventually got a job because of it. I found out that he had never eaten out at a breakfast restaurant so I took him to breakfast one morning after I got off and he had a blast. The funny thing was he ordered a burger and fries for breakfast. There were plenty of people I made friends with they were usually older than me though.
What can you tell us about your views on systemic problems? That is, on a macro scale, what problems do you see with the overall system (i.e., the governmental response to poverty via the policing system/war on drugs, welfare system, social services, education, etc) that have impacted the lives of people where you work? Do you have a sense of what changes could be made to improve these people's lives over the long-term? As with anything else on the macro scale it all comes down to money. These residents cant afford to pay 1000+ dollars of rent every month so they are ignored. Columbus is also trying to gentrify the west side where these projects are so they are in talks to blow this building up because they dont make money off of it. The police really could give two shits about this place. I called the police plenty of times and it would take them an hour or more to show up. That's what pissed me off the most. They would show up, write things down and leave. Even if we had video footage they would say that a detective would be there Monday to investigate and the detective would never come. This happened twice. If you do not have money you are fucked. The fucked up thing is that say a person who is paying 20 bucks a month in rent gets a job. Their rent immediately goes up to about 460 dollars a month. Most jobs residents got were minimum wage so how are you supposed to work you way out of the system when the system keeps taking any money that a person makes. I do not see a wide spread change such as tearing the building down and giving residents housing assistance working for everyone. I talked to residents all the time about how life could get better and it seemed like a more micro approach would work.
460 dollars a month? I live in Columbus and that's more than I pay... Is that comparable to other apartments in the neighborhood? I am not sure. From what I saw while I was driving around that part of town there are not too many other apartments. The location is ideal though. Downtown Columbus is a half mile away. Like I said rent was on a sliding scale, however I did not dig deeper into how they decided those rates.
Did anyone ever lie about if they had a job to keep their rent down? Yea...I even advised a few to do so...
What was the racial makeup of the residents? Racial makeup=80% black, 19% white, and two mexican guys.
Was there ever a time where you saw someone being treated unfairly or being taken advantage of because of race, age, ethnicity, etc? If you saw this, did you ever feel compelled to do something about it? Could you have done something about it? The Housing Authority (CMHA) really treated these people like dog shit. Most residents barely paid rent. Rent is paid on a sliding scale so some residents paid like 20 bucks a month but that might have been 50% of their net worth. Anytime ANYTHING went wrong in their apartments (flooding, heat not working in the middle of winter, AC not working in older residents apts in the summer) residents had to wait until monday. I did my best to hound them until they sent someone out. Sending someone out meant paying overtime and they were too cheap for that. Maybe three times they sent someone out in the year I was there. I tried to help and have basic mechanical skills but I am limited in my abilities to help.
So you saw a lot of misery. But with 150-200 people there, and you with a (remarkably) open compassionate attitude, I'm guessing you also saw some good people trying hard to make good lives. Can you recall some things that pleasantly surprised you? Oh yea there were plenty of people who just had slipped in life and they were working hard as fuck to make it back in their lives and when bad shit happened to them I just felt horrible because I knew they were working. One big success story was that guy James who mopped the floors, he helped out anyway he could around the building. Whenever pipes would burst he would be there to mop up the floor and put buckets down. He would wash and wax floors. He got back on his feet. Got a job. And because of all of the work her put in around the building the building manager actually paid his rent for a year. I would say 2/3 of the residents were hard working people who either were injured or just kept fucking up and ended up there.
What was the most dangerous situation you were put in? There were plenty of times I had to defend myself. One time in particular a couple was walking into the lobby to go up to their apartment. Another couple came up behind them (who did not live there) and tried to snatch the ladies purse and beat up the guy. I hopped over the desk and had to "L" the one guy out until he agreed to leave. I saw his lady Friend reach into her purse and pull out a knife at which point I let them go. They left and I called the police. I believe they were caught later. I HATE bullies and to see that just pissed me off.
What is "L"? It is a choke hold. Looks almost like a sleeper hold. One arm goes across the throat and the other one behind the head. It immediately shuts off the airway.
"L"? Sorry it must be something we called it growing up.
Kill niggers. The funny thing is, the couple who was doing the robbing was white..
What? o.o. I explained it above, it was a chokehold. I am sure it has many names.
Its a TJ Strongbow lol. Styx is the Gweatest Amerwican Wock Band, and the only Weason they caught a bad Wap was cuz most critics were cynical Assholes.
*cwitics. Damn autocorrect.
What was the biggest moral decision you had to make there? and how great was the racial tension between you and the majority black population there? Moral decision....that is a tough one. I would say always just trying to remain unbias no matter how shitty a particular resident had treated me. I was threatened pretty much on a weekly basis. I just brushed it off. But the next week they would usually be apologetic (and sober) and would ask for some kind of help. There wasn't too much racial tension. It wasn't like they hated me because I was white. Once they got to know me and realized I had grown up in Baltimore and was not just some rich ohio state student they started to accept me. However I was called "cracker" and "honky" on a regular basis and I had to explain to them that this wasn't "the jeffersons" and those words dont sting anymore.
What was the craziest thing you saw? There are a lot. I wouldn't say this was the craziest. I mentioned my craziest in a previous post. A particular resident was really off the hook. Let's call him E. He was addicted to crack and would wander the streets all night and just steal from people (how this guy survived this is beyond me) but he would show up every night with a cart full of stolen goods/shit he found in the dumpster and try to sell it to me. I started calling him Bubbles but he didnt get the reference. The craziest thing was probably this twenty something year old guy who had alot of women in and out of his apt. One day during the day shift (I wasnt there but saw on camera later) a girl came and started arguing with him in the lobby. He beat her within an inch of her life. Closed fist punches and everything. Once she was on the ground he booted her right in the jaw. Teeth and blood were everywhere. When I had gotten to work I noticed the stain and asked the working second shift what that was and he said it was the womans blood.
"He just waltzes in there, and becomes the king of the carts. What the fuck does he think I'm supposed to do? " Yea man I am from Baltimore, so any chance I get to quote the wire. I take it. I actually did a project at OSU which involved videos and references to The Wire...
What is the story that you would most like to share with us? There are plenty of stories. There was alot of crazy stuff there. I mentioned some already. One story that comes to mind was with this resident nicknamed Frog. He was hooked on crack. Right before I left he got hooked on bath salts which is a rising craze among addicts because it doesnt show up on piss tests. He attempted to commit suicide and almost jumped but the fire dept saved him. While I was there two people jumped (1 survived). Two guys died from medical reasons. One guy died from going fishing on a boat while drunk as hell and falling in the water and did not know how to swim. A lot of misery there.
What do they do with bath salts and how does this get one high? Haha I am still learning tryin to figure it out. From what I have been told you snort em and it is just like a coke high. I hope your not gonna go out and start snorting haha, shit will fuck you up.
Was there a housing police force that policed the area? If not, was it just the city police force? Yea, they came by usually once a night. But they were pretty much rent a cops even though one was cool and former Air Force. They were not armed. Pretty much stopped by every night around 2 AM to take a shit in the employee bathroom haha.
>One day the cop arrested CT for a humble. Do you mean that the cop's intent was to humble CT, or is "humble" some kind of slang for an amount of drugs or something like that? Its slang, sorry its habit. It means a minor misdemeanor charge (i.e. disturbing the peace etc.)
What is the drug scene like in a project high-rise? Is it run of the mill crack and impure heroin? Or since it's Ohio is meth a big deal? Not much meth. Mostly crack and heroin. We had dealers come in and pay residents to move in with someone else so they could just set up shop in an apt and people would go right there. They would usually last a couple of weeks and word would get out and they would either leave or be kicked out. Like I said the police were useless. While I was working, there were two big drug guys everyone would go to for their shit. One used to be a cat burglar who would pay hookers so he could go down on them (not the other way around haha), and the other was more of a stone cold dealer, never talking unless he needed too and people respected him.
1) Did the residents ask you for money/handouts? 2) Did you ever give money to residents? 3) Ever get mugged/robbed or items stolen while on the job? 1.)ALL THE TIME! haha. every night it was "hey john, you got a dolla?" Usually people would come with four quarters and ask for a "hard dollar" because the dealers didn't like change 2.) No, I would sometimes give change for a dollar if i knew they were using it for laundry 3.) No but someone did put nails under my tires so that they would go flat. One of them did, I was lucky all four didnt. I was careful to keep all my stuff locked up and my car within sight in the parking lot.
>Hey john, you got a dolla I need dolla dolla....dolla is what I need.
Did you ever have to take the witness stand in court for something that went down during your shift? After that attempted robbery the columbus police took my info but I was never called. The guy who was working during the beating of that woman was asked to be a witness but turned it down. He was changing jobs soon and didnt want the hassle.
Good luck, and congrats. My wife's an LISW, MSW, from OSU. edit I had asked first if graduation was in June, then remembered OSU is switching to semesters, from quarters, and it all made sense. You going to go to grad school at OSU? No. I am moving back to Baltimore and going to grad school at the University of Maryland. Not at OSU. They are still on the quarter system so technically they have 3 or 4 graduations a year. I planned it so I graduated this quarter so I can get a jump start on getting a job.
This is off topic but I'm thinking about joining the military to help pay for college. Are you happy with your decision to do so? I do not regret the experience. I do regret not being more prepared to handle my recruiters. The GI Bill was def worth it but make sure when you go in you are doing what you want to do and not what your recruiter nudges you to do. What branch are you considering?
<3 BC. Moi aussi.
Did you like Seattle? Loved it..I was a lacrosse coach on bainbridge island...I have a lot of great memories out there.
Were the police shown the video evidence? what did they say about it? What is the reasoning behind them not making an arrest? Yes they were shown evidence...they said I detective would be along Monday to investigate detective showed happened multiple times.
Jeez. How many justified arrests were made while you worked there in comparison to all the crime that was going on? Honestly, one. A guy named E who I compared to Bubbles from "The Wire" was arrested one time for selling stolen goods. It was some shameful shit. Cops were there almost every weekend but no arrests were ever made.
Sounds weird.. but has someone ever died while you were working? Natural or otherwise? Oh shit...I almost forgot. This did happen. I think my second month working there. A woman came in looking for her brother. I called up to his apt but there was no answer. She said that no matter what he always had lunch with their brother every saturday and he had not shown up or answered his phone. I got a sinking feeling when she said that. I called the police (this had to happen for me to go into someones apt without their permission) they came and I opened the door and saw this guy laying there. He was dead and I had to go down there and console his sister and nephew.
Oh man, that sucks for them. You ever find out what it was from? He had heart problems. I asked around and people told me it was a heart attack but I never saw a medical report or anything.
So what's the solution? There is no solution really. I could take it on a case by case basis but it is up to the people to want to change. Believe it or not some people loved that existence and did nothing to better their situation no matter how much I tried to advocate for them. They would just keep making excuses. It's sad really.
If you had the capability, would you dust off and nuke the whole site from orbit? No haha, although after some rough nights I wish I could. I did joke that we should somehow get the drug dogs into the building for a surprise raid and I would sit outside in a lawn chair drinking beer and laugh at how many drugs are thrown out the windows..
My dad worked at a liquor store across the street from the projects, he always had a gun on him, in plain sight did you do the same? No I never carried a gun. I am pretty good with my hands (boxing, wrestling etc.). I know the corner store workers by the projects here had a gun. A guy came back pissed off because the store owners pulled the gun on him for apparently no reason. I didnt believe the guy at first but I could see how distraught he was. I felt bad for him.
Which do you think comes first; homelessness or addiction? Addiction definately. Most of the residents were referred there from a local shelter called the faith mission. None of the ones I talked to that used to be homeless were clean while they were homeless.
Sorry, read through a little bit more and wanted to ask another question. You're from Baltimore, where the drug trade and problems with the city was much publicized by The Wire (and David Simon in general). Then, you worked in Columbus, which I think most people would be surprised had a ghetto at all. Anyway, do you think the publicity of Baltimore's inner city helped it? Does Columbus struggle to get help/resources because of an out of sight/out of mind mentality? Or, do you think it has no effect at all? Lastly, I'm assuming you're white because of your white flight comment. Did race play any role in how the tenants treated you? The only thing "the wire" helped was to open up people's eyes to a society they had no idea was 10 mins away from their fed hill rowhome. I have not seen any reform or resources thrown to the west side of Baltimore since the wire came on the air although the ports which were focused on in season 2 seem to be doing a little better. Columbus's west side has its own reputation which is very well known. Politicians know about it. However right now it is going through a gentrification process. A casino is being built and I believe 2 public housing complexes have been destroyed (dont quote me on that figure, I know of one for sure Riverside Bradley). The projects that I worked in are scheduled for demolition but the date keeps getting pushed back so who knows. Some resources such as section 8 housing vouchers are being thrown their way but besides that there is a long way to go. FInally race did play a big role at first and in time that dwindled. At first they assumed I was a cop because I was white, and then people took a long time to warm up to me which I expected. After they realized I was not just some rich Ohio State University kid whose mommy and daddy paid for everything they warmed up to me pretty quick. I said before that racial terms like Honky and Cracker and Whiteboy were thrown around but they never affected me.
So, I notice a lot of negative questions, which is normal, but as someone who spent years living in and around the projects I always was impressed by the underground economics of the place. The residents are seriously very ingenuitive and find interesting ways to make money (fixing things that are FUBAR, getting ppl. free cable, making homemade meals for lunch etc...). What are some interesting ways you saw people making money? Also, as far as gangs go, did you notice the gangs and other organizations helping to police the community, or in your eyes were just making everything worse? Oh many the economy of the projects was amazing. You nailed it. People would make money doing anything. Some people would clean your apartment. There was one guy who would fix your car, another who would wash it. Women would do your hair. One sign I saw hung up offered to actually bathe people (this included a foot scrub and cleaning behind the neck haha). There was always a way for people to make money. As far as gangs go, there was not too much activity in the actual project. Dealers were there, however gangs were not their muscle at least in the building. In the surrounding communities they were active. However the dealers did try to help the residents. They bought a TV for the lounge area, they would order the boxing fights and throw parties, and they would order pizza for random people and sometimes even pay peoples rent. However if you got in debt to the dealers you better believe you would do your damndest to pay them back. As long as you were on their good side you were fine. However, I have digressed. To your question of self policing, most of the time this is what happened. People would fuck up and others would either help or punish whoever was involved. Police were called quite often but it was mostly for minor squabbles. I hope I answered your question.
Did any of the statues or props in the inner city houses come to life overnight? Naaa I dont think the golden tablet was there...probably stolen by one of the fiends and pawned.
To my knowledge there is really only one true high rise projects in Columbus, by osu east? Is this where you worked? Assuming you went to osu, how would you compare where you worked to the section 8 around campus? The one I worked at u can see it from 315. It is called sunshine terrace. I'm not sure if there are others..its on the westside by mt carmel west. I did not hang out too much by the on campus housing I live up in Dublin. So I can't compare.
Also a question. ive done work with at-risk kids in these kinds of projects. Are there any programs in place by you to help keep the kids off the streets, and out of the whole poverty cycle? There were not any kids in these projects except for maybe those that visited on weekends. We had one little guy call 911 and hang up in the lobby and all kids of cops and fire engines showed up. I do work with at risk youth at my internship and there are alot of programs to help them get off the streets. Two are LiFE Sports and Camp Mary Orton's Wilderness bond program. Both can be found online..
Why is it relevant that you're white? Its not. I was just putting it in the title to get people's worked.
Did you ever have any homo erotic experiences with any of the people that lived there? Aaaaaaalllllll the time....jjjjjuuusssstttt kkiidddiiinngg....there wasnt too much man love but I knew for sure three gay guys who lived there....its not exactly the most welcoming demographic.
Were there any kids growing up there? would visit on the weekends and stuff but there were no kids living there.
Mine is..... Nice...just recently discovered the band I love their shit. Although you could be a Dicken's lover haha.
Why did you feel the need to call out that you are white? Gotta be honest on this one. It was kind of a big deal with people around here knowing that I was a white guy working in a predominately black housing project. I could care less either way but it was just habit I suppose..
Last updated: 2012-03-01 02:11 UTC
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