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[S] Marooned: Africa (Complete)

16 Americans are about to begin the adventure of a lifetime in the scorching deserts of Kenya in eastern Africa. They are about to be abandoned in the heart of one of the most diverse and dangerous collections of animals anywhere on the planet. Zebras, giraffes, elephants, lions, just a sampling of the animals that call this place home. Temperatures here can reach 120 degrees. Water is scarce. It is a land virtually untouched by the modern world. For the next 39 days these 16 strangers will be left to fend for themselves. Forced to create a new society while battling the elements and each other. They must learn to adapt or they’ll be voted out of the tribe. In the end only one will remain to claim the million dollar prize. 39 days, 16 people, 1 survivor! This is Marooned: Africa!
The Cast
Boran Tribe:
Samburu Tribe
*I apologize to u/swoldow for misspelling their character’s name in the sim.
Episode 1: After making a long trek through the savannah both tribes reach their tribe campsite and begin setting up camp. On the Boran tribe the building of the tribe camp is mostly harmonious although Toni and Ray do start butting heads a little. Meanwhile on the Samburu tribe there is a clear power struggle between Leo and Jeremy. Both think that they have what it takes to be the leader of the tribe and neither is willing to back down from that position. Crystal and Kaylee both side with Leo thinking that he should be the tribe leader while Matt and Kathy side with Jeremy and think that he should be the tribe leader. Ryan and Talia both dislike the conflict going on in the tribe and decide to stay neutral. At the immunity challenge Samburu manages to win despite the tension they have at camp. When Boran gets back from the immunity challenge Ray accuses Toni of being the reason that they lost the challenge. Toni does not take this well and begins screaming at Ray. Ray does not back down and soon they are in the middle of a huge argument. Right before things get physical Al and Wallace step in and separate the two. It is clear that for the sake of the tribe either Toni or Ray need to go and because Toni is perceived to be weaker than Ray in challenges she is seen as less valuable so at tribal council Toni is unanimously voted out of the tribe.
Episode 2: Without Toni Boran is once again harmonious and this causes them to go into the next immunity as strong as ever and win. Over on Samburu Leo and Jeremy’s battle for dominance leads them to target each other. Leo still has Cris and Kaylee on his side and the two of them agree to vote for Jeremy. Matt still has Kathy and Matt on his side and the two of them agree to vote for Leo. This leaves Ryan and Talia in the middle and forces them to end their neutrality by picking a side. The two of them decide to do what they believe will keep the tribe strong so they decide to keep Leo the pro wrestler and vote out Jeremy. At tribal council Jeremy is voted out in a 5-3 vote.
Episode 3: After the last vote Kathy and Matt are clearly at the bottom of the Samburu tribe. At the immunity challenge Boran wins, sending Samburu to their second tribal council. Back at camp it seems clear that either Kathy or Matt will be the next person voted out. The new majority alliance of Leo, Ryan, Kaylee, Cris, and Talia come together to discuss whether they should vote out Kathy or Matt first. They come to the conclusion that they should vote out Matt first because he seems like more of a fighter and they know that he has the potential to stir up trouble in the future if he’s still around. After that conversation the vote seems obvious but Kaylee didn’t come to Marooned to play an obvious game. She views Kathy and Matt as people who she could potentially work with down the line. Talia on the other hand is someone who Kaylee doesn’t trust at all. Kaylee tries to convince Cris and Leo to go along with her new plan and blindside Talia. At first they think that Kaylee’s new plan is crazy but they slowly realize that she’s right. Talia is the type of person who will flip on them as soon as the merge comes so at tribal council they turn on her and Talia is blindsided in a 5-2 vote.
Episode 4: Ryan is shocked and out of the loop after the last tribal council. He recognises that he’s going to have to step up his game or he’s going to end up blindsided just like Natalia. At the immunity challenge the Boron tribe wins for the third time in a row sending Samburu back to tribal council. Ryan knows that he could be in trouble because he was left out of the loop on the last vote but luckily his social connections on the tribe are strong enough that nobody bothers targeting him. Instead Leo decides to target Matt because he thinks that Matt poses the biggest threat to his leadership role. Leo is easily able to get Ryan and Kaylee on board with the plan. In addition Kathy realizes that her alliance with Matt is a sinking ship and decides to get on board with Leo and vote for Matt. Cris on the other hand doesn’t want to vote out Matt. She would rather keep the tribe strong and vote out Kathy. Unfortunately she is not able to get anyone else on board with her plan and at tribal council Matt is voted out in a 4-2 vote.
Episode 5: In the biggest twist in the history of Marooned each tribe is told to select 3 tribe members to represent their tribe. Katrina, Kiara, and Wallace all volunteer to be the representatives for Boron. Samburu decides to have their 3 women represent their tribe. These 6 people are given new buffs and forced to switch tribes. At the immunity challenge the Boron tribe wins the first immunity challenge as new tribes. Back at Samburu Ryan and Leo know that they are in trouble being outnumbered by the original Boron people 3-2. Ryan decides to fight to stay in the game so he tells the Boron people about how Leo is the leader of the Samburu people and is a huge threat moving forward. Kiara doesn’t like the way that Ryan ratted out his tribe by giving away their information and thinks that they should give him some Karma and vote him out but Wallace and Katrina are more focused on getting rid of a big threat and want to vote out Leo so at tribal council Leo is voted out in a 3-2 vote.
Episode 6: On the Samburu tribe Ryan is the clear underdog being the only original Samburu person left on his tribe but there is clear dissension between Katrina and Kiara giving him some hope that he may be able to survive if they don’t win the next immunity challenge. At the immunity challenge Samburu finally wins immunity for the first time since day 3 sending Boran to tribal council. Over on Boran the three Samburu girls appear to be outnumbered by the original Boran people and therefore you would expect them to be on the bottom of the tribe but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality Al and Ray haven’t been getting along for the past 10 days and want to take eachother out. Marilyn is in an alliance with Al and Alix is in an alliance with Ray leaving the Samburu girls in the middle acting as swing votes. In the end the Samburu girls like Ray better than Al so at tribal council they all vote for Al and Al is voted out of the game in a 5-2 vote.
Episode 7: The two tribes finally come together and merge into one tribe called Moto Maji. At the immunity challenge Ray wins the first individual immunity challenge of the season guaranteeing himself a spot at the final 9. Back at camp Wallace, Katrina, and Marilyn want all of the original Boran people to put their differences aside and work together to pick off the original Samburu people one by one starting with Cris but Ray, Kiara, and Alix have zero intentions of sticking with the original Boran people and instead form a new 7 person alliance with the original Samburu people and at the first tribal council of the merge this 7 person alliance works together and blindsides Marilyn putting Ray in a power position.
Episode 8: Katrina and Wallace are pissed at the rest of the original Boran people for not sticking with them and going Boran strong for the rest of the game. At the immunity challenge Alix wins individual immunity. Back at camp Ray feels like he has full control of the tribe and decides that he wants to vote out Cris so he tells everyone to vote for Cris. Most people are on board with this plan but Wallace and Katrina are still angry at Ray for betraying them at the last tribal council and are gunning for him hard. They pull in Cris in order to have 3 votes for Ray but they still need at least 2 more people to vote with them. Cris has a talk with Ryan during which she learns that Ryan doesn’t like Ray so she is able to convince him to join them and vote for Ray. They still need one more vote but aren’t sure who they can trust. They don’t want word of their plans to get back to Ray and are worried that Kaylee or Kathy might spill the beans so they decide to try to convince Ray’s close ally Kiara to flip and help them blindside Ray. Katrina has a long talk with Kiara and is able to convince her that if she works with them to blindside Ray she’ll take her to the final 2. Kiara really likes this plan so at tribal council she decides to work with them and in the biggest blindside of the season Ray is voted out in a 5-4 vote.
Episode 9: After the last tribal council everyone is shocked that Kiara flipped on her closest ally Ray and everyone starts calling her a snake. At the immunity challenge Kaylee wins individual immunity ensuring her safety at the next tribal council. After the intense past two tribal councils nobody wants to deal with anymore crazy scrambling and instead everyone wants to go with an easy vote. As it turns out the easy vote is voting out Kiara due to the fact that everyone considers her to be a snake. Everyone quickly jumps on board the vote out Kiara band wagon and when Kiara finds out about this she is furious at Katrina for going back on her word and not taking her to final 2 like Katrina said she would so at tribal council Kiara votes for Katrina but everyone else votes for Kiara and Kiara becomes the second member of the jury.
Episode 10: For the first time since the merge the original Samburu people have the numbers and the four of them decide that they are going to take advantage of this. At the immunity challenge Wallace wins immunity. Back at camp the four original Samburu people come together and decide to vote out Katrina. Alex decides to join them and vote for Katrina too because he doesn’t like Wallace or Katrina. Wallace and Katrina find out what's going on and try to convince Ryan and Cris to flip back to their side and help them blindside Kathy but Ryan and Cris decide to stick with the Samburu people and at tribal council Katrina is voted out.
Episode 11: After the last tribal council Wallace has no allies left in the game but he talks about how he’s going to keep on fighting and won’t give up any time soon. At the immunity challenge Wallace does everything he can to win but falls short and Ryan wins individual immunity. Back at camp Wallace starts talking to people about what a big threat Kylee is. When Alix hears about this he realizes that he doesn’t want to get stuck sitting next to Kylee at the final tribal council so he agrees to vote for her. Wallace then attempts to convince Ryan and Cris to jump on board with him and blindside Kylee. Ryan is totally on board with this but Cris isn’t and Cris convinces Ryan to stick with the Samburu so at tribal council Wallace is voted out in a 4-2 vote.
Episode 12: Alix shot himself in the foot at the last tribal council by voting with Wallace and is now clearly on the bottom of the tribe. At the immunity challenge Kylee wins immunity securing herself a spot in the finale. Back at camp it seems clear that the 4 Samburu people are going to work together to vote out Alix but Kylee is worried that if it’s the four Samburu people are sitting in the final four it would become Cris and Ryan vs her and Kathy. If that were the case and Cris won immunity then her and Ryan would be able to vote Kaylee out because Ryan doesn’t have any previous votes cast against him and Kaylee has 2. Because she is trying to avoid this Kaylee decides to make a new final 3 alliance with herself, Kathy, and Alix. At tribal council this new 3 person alliance pulls off another huge blindside when they vote out Ryan in a 3-2 vote.
Finale Part 1: After the last tribal council’s blindside Cris knows that she needs to win immunity in order to stay in the game but at the immunity challenge Alex wins immunity essentially sealing Cris’s fate. Back at camp Cris makes one last attempt to stay in the game. She explains to Alix that if he goes to the final 3 with Kaylee and Kathy and he doesn’t win immunity he will 100% be voted out of the game. Unfortunately Alex is in denial and still believes that he has a shot at being brought to the end by Kathy or Kaylee and at tribal council Cris is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
Finale Part 2: Kaylee wins the final immunity challenge. For her the decision of who to take to the end is easy. Her and Kathy have been close allies ever since the swap so at tribal council she votes out Alix.
Final Tribal Council: At the final tribal council most of the jury respects both of the girl’s games and believes that they are both very deserving of being in the final two however, they can’t deny that Kaylee played a much more well rounded game. Whereas Kathy only really played the social game Kaylee played a great physical, strategic, and social game. This leads to Kaylee winning in a 4-3 vote.
**My Thoughts:**>! I LOVED this season. From start to end the season was entertaining and full of great blindsides. The Ray blindside was probably the highlight of the season but I also loved the Ryan blindside, the Talia blindside, and the rivalry between Jeremy and Leo. The cast of this season was also top notch and I found almost every single person on it to be memorable in some way. Kaylee is another fantastic winner who played an extraordinary game. Her taking out Ryan at the final 5 was really smart and I would definitely consider that to be her signature move though her blindsiding Talia in episode three was also pretty iconic. There are so many people in this cast who I would love to see return for all stars and I’m betting that at least a couple of people on this cast are going to become legends.!<
Potential All Stars: Ryan, Kaylee, Katrina, Ray, Wallace, Kiara
Potential Second Chancers: Cris, Jeremy, Leo, Alix, Talia
Past Seasons:Borneo
The Australian Outback
Stay tuned for the next season of Marooned, Marooned: Marquesas
I’d love to hear what you guys thought about the season in the comments!
submitted by Survivor31fan to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

[Table] Hi, I am Anthony Edwards. AMA!

Verified? (This bot cannot verify AMAs just yet)
Date: 2013-06-15
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
I still laugh about the story of Noah Wyle on a plane when someone had a heart attack, and everyone looked at him expecting him to help. Has anything like that ever happened to you? A flight attendant once said to me she wished I was on the plane the day before because someone had a stroke. I thought to myself if I ever have a stroke I hope theres a real doctor there.
Last year I watched ER all the way through from season 1 to 15, it's an incredible show that should be considered alongside The Wire as one of the best of all time. Dr. Mark Greene was my favourite character, and your final episode never fails to bring tears to my eyes. It's great to have you back on TV, please stick around. My question would be: what was your favourite episode of ER? And did you continue to watch it after you left? I guess I was most proud of the episode in season 1 when Dr. Greene saves the child and loses the mother. Every once in a while I tuned in
How was it working with Tom Cruise all those years ago and are you still buds or did you lose that loving feeling? We bonded for life right after he killed me.
Favorite quote from Top Gun? gives middle finger "Sorry. I hate it when it does that."
Your death in ER was one of the saddest things I saw on tv. That one seemed like a fun cast though, do you have any cool ER set anecdotes? In a birthing scene instead of revealing the normal fake rubber baby we used a green pointed alien doll and the actress playing the mother nearly had a heart attack
How often do people run up to you spewing Top Gun references? Weekly and a lot when I go to car races.
Who's choice was it that you would be the only actor who kept his shirt on during the famous volleyball scene in Top Gun? I cried for a week
Can you still laugh like Goose when Iceman says "the plaque for the alternates is in the ladies room?" Yes just did it for my daughter
2) What's your least favourite food? Least favorite food is lotus root.
My best mate is a huge fan called Goose. He is getting married soon. Would you send him a video message for his wedding day if I asked very nicely? I can't send a video or photo but you can tell him this: "From one Goose to another Happy Wedding! Don't lose that loving feeling". -Anthony Edwards.
Could you talk about how difficult it was to leave ER? How long did it take you make the decision and what was it like telling the other cast members? Thanks, I'm a huge fan of your work! It was tough at the time and I do miss working with those great actors.
Hi Anthony! Northern Exposure was my favorite show of all time. Was it fun to shoot? Any favorite moments? Seattle was a great place to work I love that they built that big geodesic dome for my hyper allergic character to live in
What about learning all that medical dialogue while working on "ER"? I'm sure that had to be in a pain in the butt getting it all memorized to the point where you'd sound like an actual doctor that understood what everything meant. We had real docs on the set and they would laugh at us when we got it wrong.
Was E.R. utterly exhausting to work on? It always came across as that when I watched it. Perhaps that was the intention of the show. We had four kids during those eight years so sometimes it was a great place to nap at lunch! Truth is the work was fun so it didn't feel exhausting.
So how were you able to grow such an epic mustache for Top Gun and why don't you still wear such an awesome mustache? My wife is not a fan of the mustache! I stopped shaving and it grew like most facial hair
My football coach in college gave a speech in tears about never leaving your wingman. Did that film have a lasting effect on you in any way? Yeah I dont let good looking short guys fly me anymore.
You've had many roles & characters, is there a 'dream' role you'd like to take on? I would love to be a voice in Ratatouille 2 (if it ever happened) I love to cook!
Have a favorite thing to cook? Favorite type of cuisine? I love cooking stir fry which is fun to improvise with. I love mexican food! I was raised in southern california.
I had Jury duty with you last year in NYC. My name had just been called and you were called two people after me. I remember thinking, man it would be cool if it was the real Anthony Edwards. Turns out it WAS you. We chatted in the court for a bit before I was dismissed. You were awesome for tolerating my questions and enthusiasm for both Dr. Greene and Goose. Since I need a question, how was the rest of Jury Duty? It turned out to be a really interesting case! I have to admit I don't mind jury duty. I have no problem when people like the work that I do.
Did you know that there's a $5 fine for anyone that references the movie at the Top Gun Flight Academy? I guess thats a place I can never visit.
Hi Anthony! My husband is begging me to ask you "is it time to buzz the tower?" He says you'll know what he means. Edit: I just read him your answer to this question. Now he's ashamed of himself. Haha. Always buzz the tower
Would it make you cringe, or happy if Hollywood remade Revenge of the Nerds? It would make me happy!
Did you think that Revenge of the Nerds was going to be a hit movie while working on it? Whenever you start a movie you think its going to be a hit. its a bit like children you just hope they turn out ok.
Hey Anthony! I was very young when I first watched Top Gun. So young that I thought you actually died in real life. I tearfully made you a card that said 'RIP Anthony Edwards'. Glad you're still alive! Did they still make you go to work after you 'died'? In movies you sometimes have to die first and then play the live part after.
Best part about working with Alex Kingston? Her fantastic accent
Favourite episode you directed on ER? Favourite person to direct? Sally Field favorite person to direct.
Hello! Have you ever given someone a high five and not finished it out down low? I find that impossible.
How often do you feel the need for speed? Less and less as I get older
Hi Anthony! Welcome to Reddit. As a UK Redditor new to "Zero Hour" can you tell me a little about what the show is about? Thanks! My wife is kidnapped because of a clock she finds and that leads us to an international conspiracy with ties to nazi germany 1938.
As a man, one of the only movies that make me cry is Top Gun. Goose was our friend and you made us like him. Great job. Second, were you ever worried that losing your hair would impact your career? Don't be ashamed to cry man. Robert Duvall, Ed Harris, Stanley Tucci, Vin Diesel, Bruce Willis to name a few...
of all you are an amazing actor and you have worked with a lot of amazing actors. 1) Who was your favorite actor to work with? Why? 2) What was your favorite project to work on? Favorite actor was probably Alan Alda. My favorite project was the latest; Zero Hour. It was fun and now you all get to see it tonight!
Wow! An Anthony Edwards AMA! First off, I feel you should know that I bought a shirt that says "Goose is my Wingman" on it a few days ago. Secondly, what was it like working on the set of Zodiac? Any personal interest in the topic? Thanks for doing this AMA! You are an excellent actor! Zodiac was really interesting. Fincher gave us big thick binders full of documents that our characters had used in the actual case. Nice shirt man
So... the volleyball montage... What was the idea behind that scene? (Also, I should mention, Top Gun is one of my favorite movies ever and it's the movie I use to test out every new piece of home theatre equipment I buy!) I worked out a lot but apparently not enough I was the only one with the shirt on.
Favorite album of all time? James Taylor's Greatest Hits sorry I'm a bit of a softie.
What are your personal beliefs when it comes to the paranormal? I like the idea of them, I just need proof. What are yours?
Was Tom Cruise always insane? Just on mondays from 12:30-1
Can I be Goose and you'll be Maverick? No I'm Goose!!!
How old were you when "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" was filmed? What was the most memorable thing about doing this film? I was 18. It was my first film so everything was exciting
Does your car have an ejector seat? I try to avoid those now
What did you enjoy most from your experience filming Top Gun? Flying
Did you like filming Miracle Mile? That movie, along with many others of the 80's, gave me so many nuclear war nightmares. Thanks. Dick. Just kidding. Keep on rockin'! Yes at the time it was one of my favorite movies, a film maker taking a big risk. Like Zero Hour tonight!
I'm a huge fan! I've viewed so many of your films and I watched you on ER during your entire run there! My favorite film of yours is Miracle Mile. It has an amazing atmosphere to it and the music from Tangerine dream really adds to the affect! What was it like to star in that film and did you have any idea it would receive a 'cult following' one day? Yes it actually screened at a "end of the world" film festival last year in NYC.
Do you ever go back to Adams College to see where it all started and see how the Tri-Lamb house is dealing with the Alpha Betas? Tri-lambs are running the world now. I don't have to go back.
If you can remember that far back.. was there a great rivalry between Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer on the set of Top Gun? I also love you as Mark Greene on ER. :-) I think they enjoyed playing nemesis.
When filming Top Gun, how much time did you spend in an actual cockpit? Were you ever filmed in flight or was it all done through clever editing and pilots? I flew twice in the back seat. They had cameras and filmed us
Oh Anthony! I have had such a crush on you since The Sure Thing. I loved that movie! What was it like working with Rob Reiner? Great and was able to work with him again in the movie Flipped. A movie worth watching. Also tune in to Zero Hour tonight
Hi Anthony. What's in your pockets right now? Flea and tick drops for our cats.
This is my first time hearing about Zero Hour, but I enjoy you as an actor and I'd like to support your work. Would you mind telling me a little about the show? International conspiracy mystery spanning time. Im an average joe whose wife is kidnapped and gets thrust into the middle of the conspiracy. Check it out tonight !
So are you a conspiracy theorist yourself or do you just like presenting them for people's amusement? Or is it just a paycheck ;) I like the investigation of it all.
What do strangers typically say to you when they see you in public? They grab a part of their body and go "oh doctor I need help"
How did you feel about the countless cast changes on ER over the years? Did you prefer the original team, or did you enjoy working with new actors? A lot of that happened after my time I am just really glad that the show was able to keep going and other people could have an opportunity to be part of the story.
How did you hear about Reddit? My daughter introduced me to it. Who teaches me most things lately
I've always wondered, in Revenge of the Nerds, were you ready for the "sex girls", the "really really real sex girls"? *edit, forgot to add movie title to avoid being overly obscure. Haha I forgot about that
Love your work! Which of the characters you have played do you most connect with? Also, how was driving the pace car at Indy? That had to be awesome. Indy was fantastic! I am a huge motor sports fan. Honestly Hank Galliston, Zero Hour, he's as smart as I want to be.
Do you think a Revenge of the Nerds remake would have the same cultural impact as the original and are you glad attempts to remake it have been thwarted thus far? (I wish Hollywood would stop destroying my childhood) No because the nerds are in power now which I am happy about
If tomorrow, for reasons beyond anyone's control, you were forced to give up working in show business, what would your new career be? I would want to be a pilot. I got my license two years ago and I love it.
When will shooting begin on Gotcha! 2? Im 50 years old its Gotcha 6 now.
Revenge of the Nerds, along with Porky's and Up in Smoke, is one of my top 3 comedies of all time. Was it fun playing Gilbert? Did it seem to come naturally? You did a hell of a job. My kids think its more than natural. it was really fun my inner nerd was able to dance.
Any plans to return to hollywood or ever thought of trying your hand at Theatre? I am open to doing some theater. And Zero Hour which is on tonight was a fantastic year i spent last year doing television again
Me and my family watch ER every night together, just started on season 8, completely amazing. have you ever been to scotland before? thats where im from :D. Yes went to Scotland to look at St. Andrews college with my son. Beautiful country!
Hello, Anthony! In Top Gun, was it fun working with Tom Cruise? Thank you, you're plain and simply awesome!! Yes we were all young and good looking
Do you still keep in touch with any of the guys/gals form Nerds? How fun were those movies to make? Any chance we will ever see a new one? Also can't wait to check out the new show! keep up the good work! Tim bussfield and I have stayed good friends.
Were you disappointed that George Clooney didn't come back for Dr greens funeral episode? I wasn't there either. But honestly no.
How disappointed are you that Zero Hour was cancelled? I LOVE the show, a lot. Seriously. And was so mad they cancelled it after 3 episodes, it looked very interesting. Also, what are your plans next? Well you can watch it tonight and for the next 8 saturdays and you will get to finish the season. Glad you loved I did too. Looking and reading and planning. nothing is set
In a previous answer you said after ER ended you travelled the world for a year, what was the most amazing thing you saw? Southeast Asia was spectacular. And I really fell in love with subsaharan africa
I was recently forced to sit down and watch Top Gun for the first time last week by my guy friends. It was great! Goose was my favorite. Do you have any fun stories from shooting the movie that I could tell my guy friends? They'd flip! It's not that Tom Cruise is the shortest actor I have ever worked with, but I did have to do scenes with him in my socks. Glad you enjoyed the movie, did you feel the need for speed?
As one of the stars of "Revenge of the Nerds," does it make you proud to see the triumph of nerds within popular culture? Did you ever consider yourself a nerd? It makes me very proud. I recall wearing a purple tux to my prom in 1980 those were the days. Definitely a nerd, last date night with my wife we went to see Star Trek.
What's your favourite book? Because these are the important questions. I loved reading Harry Potter to all four of my kids.
Huge Gotcha! fan, Anthony. Out of curiosity, did you meet your wife by saying "I would kill or die to make love you you."? My wife had never seen any of my movies when she met me. She thought all my lines were original
You went bald very early. How did you resist the temptation to have transplants, and were'nt you worried of the effect that decision would have on your career? I have yet to see good transplants "im just the way god made me"-spinal tap.
Zero Hour looks like a great show.. how did you hear about it? Also, how is it looking for a second season? We killed ourselves making it. it was a ton of fun. all i know is we are on air for the next 8 weeks. check it out !
Would you wear this shirt ? No but my daughters would!
From one Anthony to another, have you ever gone by Tony? If so, which do you prefer? I actually go by Tony more than Anthony.
If you're still here, everybody is asking about ER and Top Gun, but how much fun was it working on El Diablo? I grew up loving that movie and now my kids love it as well, its a really under appreciated classic. El Diablo was really fun making westerns is awesome because you are outside with horses dressed up as a cowboy and there are no cars. Glad your kids love it, parent points to you!
Did you get to improvise any of your lines from Top Gun? (Just trying to give credit where credit is due) Yes lots because they wanted goose to be funny
Huge Top Gun fan here, aside from the cheesey unnecessary love story bit, I think its one of the best movies of all time. Does it still follow you in life? Do people still go "Goose!" when they see you in public? Also which is your favorite scene in that movie and why is it when you're inverted with the MiG? Yes people really love that movie. I think the flying sequences are amazing
Did you ever get the name of that trucker school goose? Yes truck drivers school of trucking . that was an actual company when I was a kid. I just remember their commercials.
How long did it take to grow that epic 'stash?! Three days 17 hours 22 minutes
Why did you let Maverick fly so dangerously? It ultimately led to your death, is your spirit seeking vengeance upon him? You'd think I should have been the designated flyer.
Were you, Sean Penn, and Eric Stoltz actually stoned during the filming of Fast Times. or was it just great acting? We weren't stoned but great is really subjective.
What is Zero Hour about? What tv channel? ABC. Conspiracy, kidnapping, man hunts, big stuff
Are their any actors that inspire you? If so which ones? Gene Kelly, Johnny Depp and Cate Blanchett.
I was a huge fan as a kid when you played Goose and an equally huge fan watching you as Dr Greene. Can't wait to be a huge fan as an adult with Zero Hour as well! My question for you- what's been your coolest "bucket list" achievement? Thanks again for doing this AMA!! Got my pilots license two years ago!
I loved you on ER! Your final episode always makes me cry. What is one of your favorite memories of working on that show? Also you mentioned Ratatoullie and that you love to cook - what is your favorite thing to cook? I have many fond memories. I love cooking mussels!
Good morning Anthony. Loved you in Heart Like A Wheel. It has been fun to watch you grow as an actor since then. I haven't watched zero hour, gonna have to look it up. I have a 6 year old and we are really excited for Planes. How was it doing voice work for Disney? Any fun anecdotes to share? Definitely check out Zero Hour. I saw some of Planes last week it looks really cool, glad you guys are excited.
Hi Anthony! Big fan. Congrats on Zero Hour. Here is my question, how far can you punt a football? I come from the theater so football is not my strong suit.
I once heard that the volleyball scene in Topgun was voted the best ever scene by a gay magazine called suck, is this true and did you get any funny fan mail? Not surprised and fans are fans I do not discriminate
Hi Mr. Edwards! Hope I'm not too late! I have a friend named Luis who never saw a lot of classic '80s movies, so I am trying to screen some of the essentials for him...of course "Revenge of the Nerds" and "Top Gun" are both on the list. Usually before each screening I give a little info about the background of each movie or offer a bit of trivia...any chance I could get a personal message/introduction from you to read to my friend before (or after) he watches each of those films? Either way, thanks for the AMA! Sure: "There is no Goose without Gilbert. Enjoy" -Anthony Edwards.
Yo Tony. Do you speak any languages aside from English? I find english challenging enough. My wife speaks three languages, she makes up for my lack.
How does your wife and family feel about having to watch you die on tv? I couldn't even bring myself to watch the episode where doctor green dies, despite being a big fan of ER. The Goose incident traumatised me too much. Luckily they don't have trouble seperating the two
What is your favorite show on TV that is currently airing? I love Downton Abbey, Homeland and Modern Family.
Thanks for doing this AMA, you're one of my favorites. Grew up watching ER and who doesn't love Top Gun? Anyway I was wondering how fun/what was is like filming Revenge Of The Nerds. It's one of the classic comedies and just looked like tons of fun. It was really fun because we shot at the university of arizona campus in tuscon and we partied like we were really in college
What was your favourite movie to act in? Zodiac
Hey Anthony thanks for the AMA! Who would you say is the best actor you have worked with over your career? Sean Penn
Hey Man, I guess I was one of the few that's been enjoying zero hour. I'm sad to see it cancelled. I like most of the stuff you've been in. You have any plans after Zero Hour? Zero Hour is on tonight at 8/7 central on ABC. Enjoy the whole story. I am putting together a small movie to shoot in NYC.
Why the fuck hasn't hollywood made you a superhero yet? Shhh Im a secret one
Do you have any favorite hobbies? Watching F1 with my buddy "moo."
Where is your favorite spot to visit or go on vacation to? I love africa, Kenya has become a favorite destination.
What scares you more if you had to do in real life today: a nuclear war survivor, a F-14A Tomcat pilot, an ER resident or a nerd? A nuclear war survivor...dontcha think?
What was it like working with Clancy Brown in Pet Semetary 2 when he was going all crazy as Gus - was he acting freaky when the cameras weren't rolling? He was great and believe it or not really funny.
Has a woman every come up to you in a bar while you were playing piano and said "Take me to bed or lose me forever." I bet no one's ever done that. I live in New York men do all the time! just kidding, you would be amazed what people say
Please tell me you sometimes walk around the house in lambswool chaps. Link to I forgot about that movie those were awesome chaps.
Talk to me, Goose! Hello crazystory200
You were my second favorite character on ER after Noah Wyle/ Dr. Carter. But it was a really, really close second. You're my second favorite fan. But it's a really close second.
My girlfriend wants to know if you will come over for breakfast. She is making eggs benedict and home fries. Aww thanks but I already ate. Im in the middle of making tuna melts for my kids right now
I actually enjoyed Zero Hour despite the bad ratings and I'm quite enthused to see it back again! Also loved ER enormously. You're one of my favorite actors! Glad you're excited. I am too!
My brother in law was told once he resembled the bloke from ER. To this day he's not sure if they meant you or Clooney. It should be obvious
Talk to me Goose! Helle sjleader
I think Mr. North is a hidden gem. Time to show it to my kids! Yes and a great book to read too. Thornton Wilder's last book
Your departure from ER was one of the most emotional and moving events I have ever seen on tv, made many grown men cry, you are awesome! I will check out Zero Hour! I promise I wont die this time
TOTALLY bummed Zero Hour was axed. One of the few good shows on the air!!! We want it back!!! It is back tonight to finish the season at 8/7 central on ABC!!!
Last updated: 2013-06-19 17:43 UTC
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types of football bets in kenya video

List of betting sites with free bets in kenya Did you know that you can easily get some free betting cash from sports betting sites in Kenya that offer free bets. As the name suggests, the website will provide you with the stake for your first bet. There are many types of football betting tips in Kenya, some of them being provided for free and others are sold to members. The type of betting tips come in different odds with correct score and HT/FT having the best odds. Normally, free betting tips are less accurate compared to those purchased by football predictions sites. Accumulator bets are one of the most common types of football bets there is. It’s a single bet that combines at least four different selections. In order for the bet to pay out the final result of each selection has to be correct – if just one result isn’t as you predicated then the stake is lost. Betting markets rules (Betting Types) 90 minutes play Unless otherwise stated, all bets on football (soccer) markets apply to 90 minutes of play according to the match officials, plus any added injury or stoppage time. However extra time and penalty shoot-outs are not included. Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal – those are the nations people talk about when African football comes up in conversation. Kenya might not have the profile of those relative giants, but the nation loves the beautiful game and has produced many fine players downs the years. If you want to learn more about Kenyan football and how to bet on the nation’s local competitions, read on. Free Bets and Bonuses in Kenya Why do bookmakers look to offer free bets and different betting bonuses to new customers from Kenya and what are those exactly? Simply speaking, they do that for encouraging sports bettors newly registered with them to try out the services they provide - and one way to make them feel the full spectre of what a Kenyan punter can get when betting on their site is ... Accumulator Bets, also known as Parlays. Similar to the above mentioned bets in accumulator bets you can place a single bet on the outcomes of 4 or more events. Based on the number of selections involved they can be classified as Four-Fold, Five-Fold, Six-Fold, Seven-Fold, Eight-Fold, Nine-Fold and Ten-Fold accumulator bets. This is how to win virtual football betting; Choose favourites: from the many teams and leagues, choose specific teams to follow their progress. This will also require that you stick to particular bet types we will highlight later in this virtual betting review; Get good virtual sports betting Kenya platforms. What types of bonuses are available today? ... we dare state that this bookmaker is the world no 1 in football bets. Features of a great betting site 2020. ... There are also plenty of betting sites in Kenya with free bets, where a new customer can place free bets on a sport of their choice. Let no one lie to you that all betting sites in Kenya are the same. Your need as a bettor will always be different from what other bettors. Some prefer high odds only, others will only use a betting site if it has advanced features such as cash out and refunds, some bettors such as me like to get free money from betting sites in form of bonuses and free bets .

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