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UK Gambling Commission reports online growth amid tightening restrictions

UK Gambling Commission reports online growth amid tightening restrictions submitted by BETmarket to Betmarket [link] [comments]

The gambling in online games has caused the UK gambling commission to act. Large crackdown incoming. Will this make Jagex tread more carefully?

The gambling in online games has caused the UK gambling commission to act. Large crackdown incoming. Will this make Jagex tread more carefully? submitted by Kitchen_Salesman to runescape [link] [comments]

UK Gambling Commission Report: 5% Youth Online Gambling Rate

UK Gambling Commission Report: 5% Youth Online Gambling Rate submitted by ProfRBcom to onlinepoker [link] [comments]

UK online casinos face money laundering probe - Online casino operators are failing to prevent money laundering and protect problem gamblers, the Gambling Commission has warned.

submitted by ManiaforBeatles to worldnews [link] [comments]

UK online casinos face money laundering probe - Online casino operators are failing to prevent money laundering and protect problem gamblers, the Gambling Commission has warned.

UK online casinos face money laundering probe - Online casino operators are failing to prevent money laundering and protect problem gamblers, the Gambling Commission has warned. submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]

UK Gambling Commission gives online licensees green light on Bitcoin payments

UK Gambling Commission gives online licensees green light on Bitcoin payments submitted by steveme to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

UK Gambling Commission gives online licensees green light on Bitcoin payments

UK Gambling Commission gives online licensees green light on Bitcoin payments submitted by BitcoinAllBot to BitcoinAll [link] [comments]

Women's group warns of major sex trafficking if casino plan goes through

Hawaii casino could increase sex trafficking, report warns. Excerpt:
A state agency that works toward equality for women and girls issued a blistering report Monday outlining the ills associated with casinos, particularly as they relate to the sex trade...“Casinos bring more than just revenue. They bring a bachelor party culture,” said Khara Jabola-Carolus, executive director of the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women...
= = =
Some of the social science assertions coming from Khara Jabola-Carolus’s report: Gambling With Women’s Safety: – A Feminist Assessment of Proposed Resort-Casino:
Nationally, a person being sex trafficked in a hotel/resort setting is forced, coerced, or intimidated to perform sex acts on an average of 5 to 10 customers per day. (p. 2)
Sex trafficking is distinct from prostitution: sex trafficking is the means, prostitution, pornography and stripping are the ends. Both are relatively new problems in Hawaiʻi that became systematic after Western contact. (p. 2)
According to law enforcement (Spotlight) data compiled by The Avery Center, there (is an estimate of) a total 18,375 sex trafficking victims in Honolulu...(that's a total of)...23,887,812 commercial sex acts per year performed by sex trafficking victims in Honolulu. (p. 3)
= = =
Viewpoints on sex trafficking from other sources:
Reason, May 2019 The Sex Trafficking Panic:
When police charged New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft with soliciting prostitution, the press said the police rescued sex slaves. "They were women who were from China, who were forced into sex slavery," said Trevor Noah on The Daily Show. We're told this happens all the time.
It's bunk, says Reason Associate Editor Elizabeth Nolan Brown. In the Robert Kraft case, she points out, "They had all these big announcements at first saying they had busted up an international sex trafficking ring, implying these women weren't allowed to leave.” But now prosecutors acknowledge that there was no trafficking. The women were willing sex workers...
Politicians tell us that thousands of children are forced into the sex trade. "Three-hundred thousand American children are at risk!" said Rep. Ann Wagner on the floor of Congress…
...celebrities...perpetuate the myth that sex slavery is rampant. "You can go online and buy a child for sex. It's as easy as ordering a pizza," says Amy Schumer. "Thousands of children are raped every day!" says comedian Seth Meyers...
The Guardian, a decade ago: Prostitution and trafficking – the anatomy of a moral panic
There is something familiar about the tide of misinformation which has swept through the subject of sex trafficking in the UK: it flows through exactly the same channels as the now notorious torrent about Saddam Hussein's weapons. In the story of UK sex trafficking, the conclusions of academics who study the sex trade have been subjected to the same treatment as the restrained reports of intelligence analysts who studied Iraqi weapons – stripped of caution, stretched to their most alarming possible meaning and tossed into the public domain. There, they have been picked up by the media who have stretched them even further in stories which have then been treated as reliable sources by politicians, who in turn provided quotes for more misleading stories...
("...the conclusions of academics who study the sex trade..." More than a few academics will regularly come up with the exact conclusions they want to find.)
The New Republic, Oct. 2015: "Human Trafficking" Has Become a Meaningless Term – Politicians and activists often abuse it to push for punitive laws or to incite moral panic.
President Barack Obama has famously declared that "human trafficking" is "modern-day slavery." He's also said that it "is a crime that can take many forms." The second definition is a good deal more accurate. "Trafficking," in practice, is less a clear-cut crime than a call to moral panic. The vagueness of the definition allows or even encourages governments, organizations, and researchers to claim that there are tens of millions of trafficking victims worldwide on the basis of little more than hyperbolic guesses...
According to Alison Bass, author of Getting Screwed: Sex Workers and the Law, "trafficking has become a new name for an old problem, which is largely teenage runaways." Young people who run away from abusive situations at home, and who sell sex to survive, are considered trafficking victims by default under many federal and state laws. This, despite the fact that hardly any teen runaways have pimps or traffickers, according to a John Jay College of Criminal Justice study. Most see sex work as the best way to support themselves on the street, given the limited legal and social service options available for children who run away from home. And most, Bass told me, do not travel out of their own town or city, much less out of the country...
submitted by Markdd8 to Hawaii [link] [comments]

South Africa part 3: Cecil Rhodes

South Africa part 3: Cecil Rhodes
To think of these stars that you see overhead at night, these vast worlds which we can never reach. I would annex the planets if I could; I often think of that. It makes me sad to see them so clear and yet so far. -- Cecil Rhodes, Last Will and Testament
This is the 3rd post in a series on South Africa and Apartheid and so far in the first two neither Apartheid nor South Africa even exists. But we are to the mid climax. In first part we discussed how our groups of players: Afrikaners, British, Xhosa, Zulu, minor tribes, other ethnicities got to what would become South Africa. In the second part we discussed how the Zulus and Xhosa knocked themselves out of the game leaving the British and Afrikaners as the main players standing for who got rule what would become South Africa. We also discussed how the British policy was non-viable. This part is going to discuss how the British changed course and consequently won control. We are also going to get to the genesis of the Western Left's hatred of the Afrikaners and the genesis of Apartheid, We'll end on the creation of the Union of South Africa which while not the Republic of South Africa will allow me to stop talking about "Southern Africa", "territory that will become South Africa".... But unfortunately you will have to sit through this one more post where South Africa doesn't exist yet.
Cecil Rhodes was born in 1853 the sickly asthmatic 5th son of a not particularly notable clergyman. He'd remain sickly his entire life dying in 1902 at the age of 48 from the sorts of deterioration of the heart and lung one wouldn't expect to see until a man was at least well into their 90s. In that short span he would: become one of the richest men in the world; found several countries; change the entire economic structure of the territories that would become: South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe; found 2 major corporations: the British South Africa Company and De Beers; rethink British imperialism inventing what would become the British Commonwealth; becoming one of the defining figures and great visionaries of the Victorian Age; trigger the 2nd Boer War; demonstrate the strategy changing nature of the machine gun decades before World War 1; be the only genuinely important Prime Minister of the Cape Colony; invent the concept of corporate armies; play a large role in saving the South African wine industry and most importantly be the only individual getting his own post in this series. :) Rhodes was sent to South Africa at the age of 17 so that the British weather didn't kill him. Rather than doing the normal thing and spending the money (amounting to a decade or less of a comfortable middle class salary, but no great fortune) on living with some gambling and girls thrown in he decided to head to the newly discovered diamond mines in Kimberly and started buying up small diamond mining operations leveraging each mine's output and outside financing to buy the next. Later he partnered with leading financing and trading firms so by 1888 had what amounted to monopoly control of diamond industry turning De Beers into the diamond powerhouse it remains to this day though the last pieces wouldn't fall into place until 1890. He by the 1880s De Beers was throwing off enough excess profits that he could pay investors and continue expending De Beers while being able to found the predecessor to the British South Africa Company operating much further into the interior opening up Bechuanaland and Rhodesia as colonies using his own profits to fund the administrative expenses much as the East India Company had done a century earlier.
Rhodes believed that British policy wasn't viable because it was petty. A vibrant healthy economy throws off an enormous amount of tax revenue. Petty colonialism, like the kind the British were engaging in would never generate much profit because of its very short term nature. Britain should make money by investing in the local economy, spend some on upkeep, reinvesting most of the profits and just skim a little of a forever growing payout. What Britain had tried to do with the American colonies encouraging economic development was the right approach. The problem was London had been shortsighted and selfish turning the local administrators against them. The independence of the USA wasn't a strategic failure it was the result of poor tactical implementation. The problem the British were facing in Southern Africa was similar and since the policies had been similar the results would be as well. The Afrikaners had no reason to be loyal to a Britain which had spent almost a century making very clear that it had no interest in their welfare or society beyond some ports which were frankly not nearly so important since Suez had opened. Rhodes changed policy to have Britain stop acting like a colonizing power and start acting like the domestic government of South Africa as much as possible .Outlining his changes to colonial governing policy:
  • Colonial financing -- utilize profits from business ventures fund army. Rhodes' companies were good examples of this the British charter and the backing of British troops allowed him to make excess profits which allowed him to incur expenses which the previous skinflint administration could never have tolerated. For example British colonial bonds generated an average return of 4.7%. Investments in independent American bonds generated an average return of only 2.9%. The difference was not being taken into account when the Colonial Office calculated their return on investment which to Rhodes' mind was simply lousy accounting.
  • Long term investment -- In general rewire the metrics used at the London Colonial Office to focus on long term investment not short term profits.
  • Demographics -- The British were the world's first people. Physically populate as much of the world as possible. Assimilate other people's into the British way of life. In South Africa in particular he intended to win the hearts and minds of the Boer.
  • Stability -- The previous administration had focused on stability because instability created upheavals that increased administrative costs. For too long British colonial policy was to tolerate and coexist with local culture. To create a profitable economy agricultural efficiencies are going to need to be introduced. That means 90% of the natives are going to freed up to work in a manufacturing and processing workforce. It also means the agricultural tribal traditional culture is going to be completely destroyed. Instability not stability should be policy. Seek to replace local culture with British culture to enhance the potential for economic growth.
  • Glory to British not England -- English colonies exist for glory of England. British colonies self exist. England's glory is that is the Birthplace of the 1st people not how much of the world remains completely non-British while in some vague unimportant sense recognizing Victoria as their Queen.
  • Representation -- As long as colonial governments respond to a English democracy they will be unrepresentative of their people. Create a democratic institution which provides representation for all British people in a British Parliament. There should be an English parliament for England. Invite the United States to join this new institution. "Inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity" (NB: this is essentially the British Commonwealth, though of course the USA was not invited)
  • Devastating defeat of enemies -- Colonial policy was designed to solve conflict cheaply. Small military victories do not undermine the hostile's economy nor their society and thus don't accomplish much. They simply delay and prolonging the problem created by the enemy allowing the enemy to choose points in time to achieve advantage. Avoid costly wars certainly but when war is needed seek to inflict devastating defeat so the subject people realize their inferiority. This realization facilities undermining their institutions and thus during the peace their way of life easily becomes more British. Further a willingness to war like this makes challenging Britain very costly and risky for potential enemies and thus wars will be far less frequent. The financial people are correct that the aggregate cost of inflicting devastating defeats infrequently is higher than more frequent small wars but the benefits are far greater. War carried out towards devastating defeat becomes a form of investment not a pure non-productive expense.
  • Scope -- The British were far to unambitious in their aims. The goal of British colonialism should be "all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour and enterprise". The scope was, "the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire"

map of Cecil Rhodes' proposed British Empire
You'll notice that all of Africa was in the map. Rhodes was of the opinion that Africa was incredibly rich in minerals and peoples. But it wasn't exploitable for profit because of a lack of transportation infrastructure. Rhodes was pushing to start fixing this by creating a full African north-south railway connecting "Cairo to the Cape". Rhodes' BSAC conquests were designed to drive north while he used his political influence to push the Egyptian conquest further south into Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and then a business similar to BSAC run by Sir William Mackinnon to push into Uganda.
For the northward push (primarily in what today is Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana) Rhodes was directly implementing his policy using a private army funded from the British South Africa Company. The Ndebele and Shona (Zulu tribes) were handled easily by the devastating defeat principle. Rhodes' forces demonstrated how effectively Maxims (a primitive form of machine gun) and barbed wire worked against simple rifles, spears and long shields achieving kill ratios never before seen in the history of warfare. As an aside these battles against the Zulus would also be used by those military theorists and historians who correctly anticipated in the later 1890s through 1910s how devastating a war between the great powers would be using these weapons against each other. Rhodes through BSAC had managed to push north of Lake Mweru and to the Northern tip of Lake Nyasa. Which almost connected with Sudan were it not for German East Africa (Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania) in the middle. In theory an alternative route through the Belgian Congo would also work but the gold mines in Tanzania kept Rhodes focused on taking German East Africa. Further Rhodes met his match in ruthlessness when it came to the Belgians. When Rhodes' negotiating agent sought a development contract for mineral-rich Katanga (in Congo) the native ruler Msiri refused. King Leopold II of Belgium obtained the same concession by having his agent signing it to Belgium himself over Msiri's dead body in the name of the "Congo Free State".
At the same time Rhodes worked with the Colonial office and in 1890 British issued the "1890 British Ultimatum" to Portugal. This ultimatum by the British government forced the retreat of Portuguese military forces from areas which had been claimed by Portugal on the basis of historical discovery and recent exploration, but which the United Kingdom claimed on the basis of effective occupation. Portugal had attempted to claim a large area of land between its colonies of Mozambique and Angola including most of present-day Zimbabwe and Zambia and a large part of Malawi, which had been included in Portugal's "Rose-coloured Map". This ultimatum violated the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373 which to that point had been the longest standing peace treaty in history.

Who owned what by the early 1900s
Take a look at the map above and imagine the British controlling the north-south line connecting to a British/Portuguese line running east-west in the south and a joint French/British/Italian line running east-west in the north. From there local government and companies could construct smaller feeder lines creating a modern rail system. Hopefully and you start to see how Rhodes intended to start developing the transpiration infrastructure needed to create a strong African economy.
All this was going to be for naught though if Southern Africa ended up as a Boer state hostile to British interests on the model ZAR (Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, Transvaal Republic). So Rhodes decided to run for Prime Minister of the Cape Colony and solve the problems of British strategy explicated in part 2. The primary problem the Boer had with British government is their divide and conquer approach. The British tilted to whomever was losing (a standard British policy they would also follow in Palestine) which for decades meant treating the Boer and native Africans as both being subject peoples while favoring the native Africans against the Boer. In Rhodes mind you could not expect to get loyalty from people you were obvious disfavoring. The British were the ones turning the Boer into enemies.
So in 1892 Rhodes instituted the Franchise and Ballot Act. This was seen as a compromise between factions in the Colonial Office and the traditions in the Cape Colony for a broad democracy (anyone with £25 in property could vote) and Orange and ZAR's (Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, Transvaal Republic) more exclusive democracy. Rhodes raised the amount of property to £75, an amount specifically chosen to disempower many of the native Africans while allowing many Boers to vote. With a Boer and British based democracy locked in the Cape Colony's democratic powers could be strengthened, creating more self rule and making the involvement of the London Colonial Office less obvious. This concept of using a not explicitly racial criteria while instituting laws with racist intent is very modern.
Various Liberals in the London Colonial Office especially missionaries disagreed strongly with Rhode's policies. They had been the ones advocating for the enlightened colonialism that was British policy. Missionaries in particular saw their role as: combating godlessness, superstition and backwardness. In particular encourage better use of land; encourage paycheck work; become trusted advisor to tribal leaders. The slogan "Bring the 3Cs into Africa" referred to Commerce, Christianity and Civilization. To their mind Rhodes' vision of British Imperialism was straight up military tyranny. If followed he would make England no different than a modern day Genghis Khan, creating a empire loathed by a vast expanse of subject peoples who would unite against it from all directions. Instead interfering minimally and being seen as an ally while slowly educated the elite in British custom and religion would cause a gradual consensual change that would build British alliances that would last centuries. Plus such an approach would fulfill the Lord's Great Commission (term for Jesus' command to convert the entire world to Christianity) in a way that honored God rather than shamed him. One need only look at how the Spanish, Portuguese and Balkans had thrown off Islam after centuries to see how ineffective military tyranny was at long term conversions that didn't require force. So in their mind: No the London Office should stand by its traditional values of: monopoly companies and plantations run in (unequal) partnership with indigenous elite. free trade, free (and indeed forced) migration, infrastructural investment, balanced budgets, sound money, the rule of law and incorrupt administration. As far as their Boer, in their mind the Boer were the primary impediment to enlighten British rule in South Africa, being Christians they were obligated to agree with the missionaries on the vision of the White Man's Burden and Enlightened Empire. Rather than making concession to the Boer they needed to be crushed to demonstrate the moral difference between the Boer and the British. With Rhodes' change in policy tilting towards rather than away from the Boer the Western Left came to truly hate the Boer in 1890s. Since the point of this series is the analogy I'll add that I wrote two posts about more or less the same groups of Liberal Christians turning against Israel again having to do with Israeli/Jews discrediting Liberal Western values and thus interfering with the Great Commission: WCC churches and Quakers.
Rhodes in debates before and at the time considered this Liberal Empire stuff to be simply aspirational. Without economic interference there wasn't enough money to fund anything like what the Liberals proposed. He'd point to facts like that after a century of such rules in India they had increased the secondary schooling 7x to a whopping 2% while England with not nearly as many well funded missionary organizations was over 16%.
Rhodes hoped to unify all of Southern Africa around this compromise approach to the franchise. ZAR however rejected this compromise. By the mid 1990s approximately 1/3rd of their white population were British (Anglicans). ZAR had every intent of maintaining religious based voting criteria (i.e. citizenship in ZAR was only open to people who were members of several Dutch Reformed Churches, see part 2). Obviously for Rhodes a situation where British people were the disempowered minority was intolerable. Additionally the ZAR were maintaining an anti-Cape Colony / anti-British / anti-Rhodes trade policy. It was becoming increasingly clear there would need to be regime change. So in 1895 Rhodes organized an attempted coup d'état now called the "Jameson Raid" (yes the same Jameson who went on to be Prime Minister 1904-8 of the Cape Colony after the 2nd Boer War). The Afrikaners were more astute than natives had been caught wind of the early organization and waited until the forces were committed trapping hundreds of Rhode's people creating a great embarrassment.
Its at this point that the Boer made by far the greatest mistake of their history as a people. The 4 years between 1895-9 were when they made the choices that led to their ruin. The British were really embarrassed. A colonial governor who had a crown chartered corporation had been caught red handed engaging in a serious act of war against another sovereign state with no approval from Parliament. The Colonial Office admitted as much and forced Rhodes out of office in 1896. The Afrikaners had real negotiating leverage to work out a deal. It obviously would be extremely important that the next leader of the Cape be friendly. But they didn't decide to negotiate. Instead they started flirting with the Germans, while not actually signing a formal alliance with Germany that at least had the potential to provide them real protection. The flirtation however, turned a nasty incident into a serious threat to all British interests in Southern Africa forcing a British response. In Britain an alliance of Jingoists (populist military hawks) angry about the humiliation of 1st Boer War, Conservative Imperialists who wanted to end Boer independence especially in the ZAR (the 3 core values for Conservatives at the time were: Union with Ireland, the Empire and the superiority of the British race), Liberal Imperialists who supported Rhodes' vision and Missionaries who hated the Boer formed pushing for a war. Seeing this alliance form against them the Afrikaners did nothing to avert the danger. Rather they made a mistake many 2nd tier powers do when it comes to 1st tier powers. The Afrikaners confused the light force and weak will the 1st tier power is willing to spend on them with the amount of force the 1st tier power is capable of employing if it so chooses. Having beaten the British handily in the 1st Boer War when they were fighting the C-team (as I called in part 2) the Afrikaners grossly underestimated what they would face against a British army that had a political mandate for victory, what Britain's A-team would look like. Preparing for something slightly worse than the 1st Boer War the Boer began a serious arms buying program in 1897. ZAR also got more belligerent in their rhetoric which led to a formal alliance with the Orange State and Boer guerilla groups that could support the war effort in the Cape. The Boer had about 63k troops including some foreign troops. .
The British were determined not to lose the 2nd Boer War. This was going to be the British-A team. By the second phase of the war between British soldiers, soldiers from other colonies and local Africans providing auxiliary Boer were facing a 500-600k man army. Nor was the command third or even second rate as it had been in the 1st Boer War. For example, the top military command would be Herbert Kitchener who was fresh from the victorious Anglo-Egyptian invasion of Sudan. Kitchener after the 2nd Boer War would go on to be the Commander-in-Chief for the armies in India and a decade after that the UK's Secretary of State for War during World War 1. He's this guy:

Kitchener famous 1914 recruiting poster
The cost to maintain that army would be £60m / year far more than Britain could ever pull out of Southern Africa (GDP and inflation adjusted the Boer War would cost the UK about $250b). The first phase of the war was a Boer offensive while the British were still deploying troops in October–December 1899. Once the British were done they conquered all pockets of resistance in the Cape and Orange as well as essentially the entire ZAR territory January to September 1900. The Afrikaners decided to fight when surrender was the better option. Leading to a guerrilla war between September 1900 and May 1902.
The British simply could not afford to keep an army of that size in the field for years dealing with guerilla tactics until the Boer admitted they were beat. Facing time pressure the British felt they had no choice but to come down hard. The British cut the guerilla war short by instituting a scorched earth policy against areas giving support to guerillas in the ZAR (most of the ZAR). ZAR men were mostly in the militias. Scorched earth destroyed the food supply in the ZAR so the British threw the women and children in concentration camps. The army hadn't prepped for needing to support massive numbers of civilians so malnutrition and disease were rampant in the concentration camps. This disease and malnutrition resulting in a camp death rate of approximately 30% annually. A policy amounting to genocide. Pro Boer forces in the UK generated widespread opposition to the camps so the military response was to not confine woman and children and instead leave civilians on the now barren earth to die of starvation and exposure. Actual POWs were deported to Bermuda and India preventing the Boer from standing any chance of liberating them. African tribes that had lost territory to the Boer began moving in. While both sides had agreed not to arm natives or recruit tribes. But the British weren't going to fight for the Boer if tribes decided to take advantage of their defeat. The Boer were quickly losing everything they were fighting for: freedom, their lands, their family, the self dependence and surrendered rather than have their population geocoded to oblivion, being left with no economy and whatever lands they managed to hold being assaulted on all sides by natives who would take it from them.
The Boer society that emerged from the surrender did not have separatist attitude. Destitute Boers now willing to work in the minds and alongside black Africans swelled the ranks of the unskilled urban poor competing with the "uitlanders" in the mines. The new economy was unambiguously focused on gold causing mine production to swell enriching the British interests. The Afrikaners were both physically and psychologically crushed, and wouldn't be causing any more problems for decades.
In the UK the war came to be seen as excessive especially as the financial cost of the war sunk in. The Conservatives' suffered a spectacular defeat in 1906 driving the Conservative Prime Minister at the time (12 July 1902 – 4 December 1905) Arthur Balfour from office. He comes up rather regularly on this sub in his later role as Foreign Minister. As the Boer are no longer resisting the British Empire the shift towards more pro-Boer policies from England continues. In 1909 the British Parliament dissolves the British colonies of: Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Orange River Colony, and Transvaal and combines them into a Federal Union of South Africa. This makes South Africa into a Dominion (essentially Australia's status at the time). Jan Smuts (an Afrikaner) resurrects Rhodes' idea of a Common Wealth and the British embrace it.
And so we conclude part 3 our story of how the British eventually won and South Africa came to exist. How the Western Left started to hate the Boer, a hatred they would resurrect later. And how the first steps towards apartheid were taken. Whew that was longer than I intended!

submitted by JeffB1517 to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

Lottery/Raffle idea

Hi Guys

I’m in need of some advice. I would like to start a lottery/raffle business selling participation on a website or social media.
I need to know if this is entirely legal in the UK and whether I would need licences or anything else. From what I have found out so far I would either need a gambling licence from the gambling commission or register with my local authority for the same sort of thing.
I would use the money made by selling of the attempts to win the prize to fund the prize and make profit on this to fund expansion. This would start off by prizes being money. Selling a number of tickets for a set amount which would cover the prize and make some money on top. For example, 150 tickets at £10 a go thus making £1500 and the prize being £1000. Eventually moving onto offering TV's, Games consoles, Cars, Etc. I would also like to offer a big money prize if the website/social media got big enough, like once a month offer a prize of £10000 with 1000 tickets available at £10 a go so no profit but would make a big social media impact. Also toyed with the idea of offering 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes all being covered by the ticket sales.
I've seen multiple of these times of businesses online and always thought it seemed a bit dodgy. I've done some research and it seems like you can't do this if it's for personal or financial gain. If you aren't making any profit then it is fine.

Thanks for your time.
submitted by Neilio360 to SideProject [link] [comments]

Gambling Addiction and Depression Debt Advice

Hi All,
Throwaway account and intentionally vague on some facts because I know a fair few people who frequent reddit.
I find myself in quite a quandary and feel as though 2021 is the year to sort things out. Looking for any sort of constructive advice. Not really sure how to structure this, so forgive me if it doesn't really make any sense.
Generally speaking when it comes to other peoples personal finances, I'm fairly switched on and can provide what I'd like to consider reasonable advice. My own situation, however, goes beyond what I'd deem to be 'normal' and involves a long-hidden gambling addiction coupled with depression.
I'm 31 and work what is considered a reasonably well paid job in the UK. I earn £38,000 base + £6,000 - £12,000 in bonuses/commissions p/a gross. Currently living with a relative and paying £200 rent + personal food expenses. No travel costs for work currently.
My gambling started the very day I turned 18 and has continued ever since. It has led me down a dark path and I find myself owing a total of almost £30k. At this stage I feel very much ready to leave this horrendous portion of my life behind, but the debt is dragging me back to it in distant hope of that illusive 'life changing win'. Breakdown of debts as follows:
£12k Bank Loans - 13-18% APR
14k Credit Cards - 18.7 - 25.6% APR
4k Bank Overdrafts
I've managed to make all minimum payments until very recently. The last 6 months have seen an extraordinarily large amount of money lost to online casinos which has disrupted payment schedules somewhat. I'm behind on a couple of credit cards and one loan. Should be able to bring everything back up to speed when I get paid at the end of this month.
Moving on to the next element of my problem. A family member has £50k set aside for me and is waiting for me to decide I'm ready to buy a house to dispense it. Do I let the family member know about my problems, collect the cash, pay off the £30k and continue forward with the £20k extra and save more for a deposit? It seems like a sensible option as it would prevent further damage to my credit score and huge interest costs.
If you were in my shoes, what would you do? Swallow your pride and ask for help? Or weather the storm over the next year or two, continue living with a family member and pretend nothing is wrong? Should I be going to my creditors offering them a fixed settlement sum?
Any help much appreciated. As you can probably tell, I'm feeling pretty lost and alone.
submitted by Specialist-Bullfrog3 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

Something to think about.

Posted this some months ago on the gambling addiction subreddit, thought I should post it here too.
In the UK, where I call my home, the gambling industry is worth billions and in turn the government gain a large percentage of that in taxes. If we look at the whole industry within society, we come to a the stark realisation that the gov. profit from the suffering of addicts. The gambling commission has seen its funding slashed recently from peanuts to relatively nothing in comparison to how much money is generated.
Currently, people are trapped indoors with numerous platforms to gamble online. Even though there has been cries to restrict the amount people can gamble. The government have not put any restrictions in place. Who is helping the gov. through this tuff time? Gamblers! Why would you cut the amount of money coming back into the coffers?
Although stats mention that 1% of the uk population have a problem, I would guess that that number is not solely accurate due to people either not thinking they have a problem or people not asking for help. In the coming months and years we will see that a lot more people coming forward to show the true extent of this virus, gambling addiction.
What I’m getting at, and in specifically for people that are struggling, think about gambling as something that has been put in place to suck the life out of you and destroy you. By stopping, moving forward and growing you are going against the system.
There is a lot more to this. Rant over.
submitted by amaisv to problemgambling [link] [comments]


This is both a review and a warning to anyone who stumbles across this and considers playing the game. DO NOT DO IT.

I have played on and off for the 4 years the english language game has been around and it isnt worth it.
For those who dont know, the game is entirely created by a chinese company, all oasis do is pay for the rights to effectively resell to an english audience, they have no developers, they have no competent employees, all they do is take pre-made assets from china, break them and hide them behind paywalls so high that they should be illegal, and in fact if you read any of this you will understand why there is an open case about this company with the gambling commission, because how thoroughly the "rng" is rigged is literally against UK gambling laws.
The base level mechanics of the game are ok, collecting characters can be fun, but oasis utterly ream english speaking customers. For example the character "naruto ronin" in china he is a paywalled character because he can be powerful, but in china players can recruit him for the equivalent of $50 usd, would you care to guess how much oasis charged english players for him?..... $3000 usd
And that isnt even the worst example. The characters in the game have star levels, most powerful characters can be recruited at 3 stars and 5 stars is the limit. In china rare characters can be bought for around $50, this gives the player the character and also access to "skill breaks" which are more powerful variations of that characters abilities. In the english language game not only do they charge 3000usd for a $50 character but if you want to be able to use that characters breaks oasis have locked the skill changes, making them require that character be 4 star. So even if you are wealthy enough to spend 3000 for some pixels for that character to have access to the skills that make them powerful enough to be rare in the first place you need to change that 3000 to at minimum 8000usd ,because the only way to get enough character "fragmets" as they are called to level this character from 3 to 4 is to spend more real money.

There are "events" in the game, these are changed every thursday and rotate in the claims of giving players chances to access to items, characters frags and potential "prizes" but these events fall into 3 categories
Free to particpate:
These events are free to take part in but they require you to have multiple accounts, something which is a necessity in this supposed "massively multiplayer" online game because oasis are so bad that while china has thousands of servers, each of which is full forcing them to make more to accomodate new players. oasis' game is so dead that the only reliable way to have a partner to help you with these events is to dedicate more of your time to this game to maintain multiple accounts. Which even if you do have the time and patience to do so it still is not a good trade off because the amount of time it takes compared to the measly handful of frags you can get at maximum these events are still not worth your time

These events are free compeltely, by which I mean they do not require any money/in game currency or having other accounts, these include things like "firework fesitval" "myoboku trail" these can give you some fragments for characters for free, which in a game entirely revolving around collecting you would think that would be nice, but you would be wrong. In 4 years oasis have given just 1 decent character in these events every single other event over the years the frags on offer have been long outdated, redundant characters that not even people in brand new servers can realistically use without losing 9 times out of 10

Money Money Money
The linchpin of oasis "business strategy". These events require real money or coupons ( the in game currency) to take part in and these fall into 2 further categories

1} events that offer set prizes for reaching checkpoints, i.e spend x amount of coupons get y for reward. These are the best events in the game and they are still terrible, to be able to complete one of these events without spending literally hundreds of dollars you need to play the game on a daily basis for better part of a full year, that is a lot of work for 1 singular reward especially when there is no guarantee that said reward wont be instantly made redundant by the addition of a new character

2} events that claim to be "rng" but are factually rigged. These events are supposed to be gambling events, you dont have to to them but you can spend money to get "spins" and potentially get good prizes. The problem with this is that it has proven to be rigged. ONLY accounts that are rarely active and who dont pay are even given a chance to win these prizes, if you have ever given oasis money or if your account is a frequently active one your account will be locked off, so there will be people who log in maybe once every 3 months getting these powerful characters for free whereas people who are active enough to contribute to the community you could spend literally 15,000 usd and get nothing to show for it.

Now I will talk a bit about the characters. By now it is clear the game exists for the purpose of collecting, like a pokemon game to put it simply, but the thing is collecting is made completely pointless in this game because there is literally nowhere at all to use your characters.
PVP events are rigged, do not as me why because I can offer no explanation for this, but over the 4 years the only interaction oasis has ever had with the players is when they have hired players to be "mods" or "game liasons". These players get free in game characters, free in game power items and free in game currency on the basis that they moderate the forums and that they listen to the opinions of players in their servers and relay that information to oasis to give oasis ideas on how to improve, ho to keep people playing and spending. But this does not happen, you do not need to take my word for it, you can create a character in any one of the 1600+ servers and ask any single player about the mods and gl's and you will get the same response, go and ask any player about the names kagari,annie,aika,qv,ajin,danzo and I can guarantee you the replies would support all of this mess I am typing here, that is how blatantly these guys cheat, how frequently they bully and the fact they need to cheat even with company power shows how bad they are at the game. They are the worst players in the game and they are actively ruining the game, they do not talk to anyone, the only things they tell oasis are changes that they personally want for their own benefit. They do not "moderate" the forums because they do not respect the rules of the forums they treat it like their own echo chamber, either people agree with their personal views or that personal will get deleted. On top of that they are the most hated players in the game because as I said, they have admin accounts, they have unfair advantages of being given enough poweitems/currency that unless you are a literal millionaire it is not physically possible for real players to compete with them but that isnt enough for them. They are still so bad at the game that they cheat, they have company accounts, each of them runs multiple company funded accounts and they use their combined free power to bully and camp anyone who isnt an employee and put themselves at the top of leader boards, and get themselves the best rewards without having fought a single genuine match. Which is against the rules, the mods constantly remind people in the forums that multiple accounts is accepted, but using multiple accounts for the sole reason of gaining advantages for your main account is against the terms of service and people have been banned for this, but not the mods who continue to bully people this way to this very day
The one area of the game that should be a haven for people who want to collect characters and make fun teams should be "training arena" but nope. The game has the laziest, dumbest, most boring community that any piece of multimedia has ever had. Training arena is a place where you can test out team ideas on an even footing and without risk of losing anything and yet that is not what happens, the only opponents you will ever face in there are players using the same 4 characters that they use in every single event because it allows them to set the game to auto........that says it all really just how bad the players and the english language game is. It is an MMO that cant keep any servers alive, that has driven away over 90% of the people who have ever registered and it is such a bad game that instead of playing it as a hobby people actively take measure to spend less time playing the game. You know a game is bad when people go out of their way to not play it

By all means, dont take the words of a stranger at face value, you can try the game for yourself and form your own opinions, but at the very least pay attention to what ive said about things being rigged. It will explain a lot of the crap you see happening, like players in new servers reaching a level on day 1 that isnt possible with the amount of stamina your account has on that day or a player in your server who is always the first to have new clothes/characters/items but are mysteriously quiet, it isnt because they are quiet people, it is because those are plant accounts being controlled by oasis to try and force a competitive atmosphere to encourage people to spend money thinking they too can have all that stuff because oasis know they are so bad at what they do that even with an extraordinarily popular anime driven mmo which sells itself the only way they can get people to stick around long enough to part with money is to manipulate newcomers naivety .
Naruto offline
That is a video and a manifesto of a plant and a mod respectively. Both were not nice players to begin with, so naturally oasis decided they are the perfect people to grant tons of free stuff and power to and to elevate to positions of power, but even these guys who took abuse from players for shilling out to oasis and not contributing anything to either the company or the community in exchange for cheat level power grew so tired of how bad oasis are for rigging events and price gouging aswell as about how the "mods" are the ones controlling the game not oasis and the text messages exchanged between mods talking about "destroying" people if they wont be in a relationship shows you just how childish and pathetic the mods pulling the strings truely are, point being that these guys who got paid to play even they got tired of what a shamble this game is and they left, confirming the shady practices that everyone already knew but couldnt prove on their way out.

Events are rigged by oasis
PVP is rigged by the mods
Characters cost over 160 times the prices that the original chinese company charge for them
It is a collecting based game where you cant collect unless you can spend upwards of 8000USD for a single character.
- Even if you can do so, collecting serves no purpose since you face the same 4 characters every single day and dont have a single outlet to be creative with your team.
Company and the players they hire are so bad that the original chinese game has more individual players in a single server than oasis has in 1600 servers
It is supposed to be a "massively multiplayer" game but oasis have ground it into dust so thoroughly the only way to take part in numerous events is if you sacrifice your time to run multiple accounts on your own.
Good luck to you
submitted by Ajin__ to naruto_online [link] [comments]

Gambling in sport: Government to review betting laws

Sport's courting with playing could be scrutinised after the government found out the scope of its making a bet law overview on Tuesday 메이저사이트

UK sports minister Nigel Huddleston stated that the Gambling Act 2005 has been "the idea for simply all gambling regulation within the UK".

He now wants to "pull our legal framework into the digital age".

"In terms of game if there may be evidence of damage coming from sponsorship and marketing, we can act," he added.

"We may also recall the extraordinarily hard financial state of affairs that many sports activities and establishments discover themselves in now, as well as broadcasters, as a result of Covid.

"We know the demanding situations the carrying area have had and consequently we need to make sure any modifications are proportionate."

The extensive-ranging overview will take a look at how having a bet is promoted in soccer and recreation, from shirt sponsorship through to television and online advertising and marketing.

Three-quarters of Premier League teams have betting sponsors or companions.

That determine rises to 87% within the Championship.

Campaigners and previous Tottenham and QPR defender Steven Caulker, who has recovered from a playing dependancy, have told BBC Sport that having a bet has turn out to be normalised in soccer.

The gambling enterprise says it presents lots-wished budget for the sport, even as the Premier League and English Football League say their clubs observe modern policies 메이저놀이터

The government will gather evidence over the following 16 weeks earlier than the review closes on 31 March 2021.

There are 340,000 hassle gamblers in Great Britain, in step with the industry's regulator, the Gambling Commission.
submitted by RemarkableAnything33 to u/RemarkableAnything33 [link] [comments]

Casino Dome 21 Exclusive Free Spins Bonus on Registration!

Casino Dome 21 Exclusive Free Spins Bonus on Registration!

Casino Dome Review
Join Casino Dome and take advantage of our exclusive welcome bonus on deposit! Claim 21 free spins and 100% up to 200 EUUSD/NZD/CAD. This promotion doesn't require bonus codes. Play and win real money.
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Welcome to Casino Dome

Ready for take-off! The acclaimed casino group Genesis Global Ltd has added Casino Dome to its growing portfolio of modern online gaming destinations. Enter The Dome, a sleek and futuristic utopia of casino gambling filled with 1,300 slots and table games from top providers. All combined with dozens of live dealer games, big bonuses, 24/7 support and timely payments.
Launched in December 2020, Casino Dome is owned and operated by Genesis Global Ltd. and sister site to about a dozen other group brands such as Spinit, CasinoLab and Vegas Hero. All under a trio of solid licenses from the MGA Malta, the Swedish Spelinspektionen and the UK Gambling Commission. These are currently the most stringent any online casino can acquire, ensuring fair games while adhering to strict Responsible Gambling regulations.

Our Take

Throughout the last years, Genesis Global has been on a rapid expansion course, officially surpassing a dozen brands at the start of 2020. Casino Dome will be the final launch for this rather turbulent year, aiming to entice players with a modern gaming site that works equally well on desktop, tablet and mobile devices across all OS platforms. Reason enough to take a closer look as to what you can expect at The Dome.


Players who have already an account at any of the sister brands will find a familiar site layout, which might seem uninspiring at first, but it helps to feel at home after a few clicks so to speak. Newcomers will like the mobile-optimized structure that makes navigating the site with ease. The registration is done the common group form and can be completed quickly in a few steps. As usual, we highly recommend completing the KYC verification at your earliest convenience to avoid any potential delays with withdrawals as the group is known for its strict adherence to the procedure.
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Slot and table games

Just like its sister brands in the Genesis Global Group, Casino Dome offers an extensive range of slot and table games exceeding 1,300 titles, although some might be restricted in certain jurisdictions. The major developers such as Netent, Play’n GO, Microgaming, Big Time Gaming, Relax Gaming, Quickspin and Yggdrasil form the basis of the portfolio while providers like Skywind, Fantasma, 4ThePlayer or Foxium are adding more flavour to the mix. The Live Casino games are powered by Evolution Gaming.

Welcome package

The soon you are ready for your first deposit, you will discover a generous welcome package that includes a large match bonus and additional spins (subject to change). Wagering requirements apply to all bonus offers subject to the Casino Dome bonus terms, always read them in full as the group is strictly enforcing them. As with all brands from this group, Neteller and Skrill deposits are excluded from the welcome package but are allowed for reload bonuses and other promotional offers.
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Payment methods

A truly extensive list of payment methods ranging from credit cards (restricted for UK players), debit cards and instant bank transfers to e-wallets, pay-by-phone and prepaid solutions will make depositing and withdrawals a breeze. Beware though that some methods are country-specific and might not be available at your location. All available methods will be displayed once you enter the banking lobby. As for withdrawals, Casino Dome is processing payments daily and that 24/7 including weekends and public holidays. They might not the fastest paying casino group and are known to stall at times but are still in an acceptable time frame of usually no longer than 24 hours. We missed a lock function that would allow players to lock pending cashouts until they are processed.

Loyalty program

Currently, Casino Dome does not have a loyalty program where all players can earn extra rewards or level up. However, they do offer a VIP club with little information on what the requirements are to be invited or admitted to the exclusive circle. It promises added benefits such as Premium Customer Service, Personalized Email Support, Exclusive Weekend Promotions, Birthday Bonus, Welcome, Anniversary and Special Gifts, Personal Cashback Offers, Exclusive Bonus Plans and even flights to Las Vegas. We recommend you to contact their customer support if your deposit level would need special attention or if you are already a VIP member at other casinos.
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Need help? Casino Dome offers customer support via phone, email and Live Chat. However, the latter is not open 24/7. Currently, the site is available in English language only. We expect them to add others in the near future and will update this review the soon we have the confirmation.

Play responsibly

Responsible Gambling is an integral part of Casino Dome’s mission to provide not just the best possible entertainment but maximum protection for players who might need to control their spending. A vast choice of daily, weekly or monthly restrictions can be self-set by the players for deposits, wager amounts, losses and session that will help them to limit their gaming. Also available are cool-off periods of up to six weeks and self-exclusion of a minimum of six months. For UK players, Genesis Global Ltd. is participating in the GAMSTOP program.
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Casino Dome - free spins, welcome bonus, promotion

Casino Dome - free spins, welcome bonus, promotion

Casino Dome Free Bonuses & Promotions
Casino Dome Review and Exclusive Welcome Bonus for new players. Enjoy 100% up to 200 EUUSD and 21 Free Spins! General T&C Apply. +18 New Players Only. Be Gamble Aware. MGA-Licensed.
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Casino Dome Review

Casino Dome is a new casino on the UK market that will undoubtedly attract even more attention in the future. The site has a stellar theme and visually stunning website. Furthermore, the website is mobile-friendly, which means it’s tailored for mobile gaming. So, you’ll explore its library of games on the go, and access it instantly from your smartphone.
Also, you’ll play at a secure and reliable online casino that incorporates the latest encryption technology and proper security measures, while it holds a license by the Malta Gaming Authority and the UK Gambling Commission. The casino is operated by Genesis Global Limited, a prominent brand in the online gambling industry – with a registered address in Malta. The same brand that has Kassu Casino.

Bonuses at Casino Dome

Welcome Bonus
Start playing casino games with an excellent Welcome Bonus. The Welcome Bonus is only available to new members. Otherwise, the casino has promotions and other offers that will add more excitement to your gaming experience.
Other Promotions
As you know, one of the main factors of an exceptional online casino is their Loyalty Programme and available promotions. Naturally, Casino Dome has an abundance of promotions to suit your preferences, from weekly and monthly promotions, special prize draws and tournaments, among other offers.
On the other hand, the loyal members get to enjoy even more VIP benefits in the VIP club. VIP players will have their personal account manager, exclusive flights, personalised promotions, gifts, and other treats. To learn more about the available promotions, bonuses and VIP Programme of the Casino Dome, please visit the website.
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Casino Dome Free Spins

You can receive Free Spins as part of the regular promotions of the casino. Please visit the website for more information regarding the latest promotions.

Games at Casino Dome

You’ll be delighted with a vast collection of first-class casino games, from immersive slots with outstanding graphics to realistic gaming experience with Live Casino games. That said, you could choose to play more popular titles like Starburst, Bonanza, and others. Or, put your luck to the test with progressive jackpot slots such as Mega Moolah, Hall of Gods, among other titles.
In case you want to experience your favourite table casino games in a realistic setting, then explore their library of Live Casino games. You could play Blackjack, Poker, Baccarat, or Roulette live. To sum up, there’s no shortage of options for anyone.
However, keep in mind that this is a new online casino, so they’ll continue to update its library with even more new, great games. This casino is powered by multiple, well-known gaming providers like NetEnt, Red Tiger Gaming, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, Play’N GO, to name a few.
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Casino Dome Mobile Application

Casino Dome is well aware of the significance and requirements of mobile gaming. Hence, as long as you have a stable internet connection, you can play your favourite casino games from any mobile device. This means that the site is compatible with any device, including smartphones and tablets. But, at the moment, the casino doesn’t have a mobile application.

Payments at Casino Dome

The casino offers a multitude of payment methods from e-wallets like Skrill, ecoPayz, Neteller, to Mastercard, PayPal and other options. Your financial data is safe as the casino has excellent encryption software.
Withdrawal processing time will vary depending on your selected payment method. In order to verify your account, the casino will ask for specific documents.

Casino Dome Customer Care

Feel free to send your feedback or ask any questions. Typically, you can get in touch with their reliable Customer Support Team via email, phone and the live chat facility. But, always check the FAQ page first as it has in-depth information about many important topics.
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Online Gambling Scams

At Sa Gaming Clan, my partners and I do all that we can to guarantee you have a safe, fun electronic wagering experience. In this piece, I'll illuminate you with respect to the most notable internet betting club stunts, and I'll explain how they work. With this information, you'll be more ready to evade them. one of the most clever electronic wagering stunts do exclude the overseers taking your money. Taking everything into account, they hope to take something apparently more significant—your character and your data. Renegade betting clubs will set up capable looking destinations with tempting additional proposals to attract confused parts. At whatever point you're enlisted, you'll be drawn nearer to check your record. To do thusly, you'll need to send a copy of your administration gave ID and affirmation of your area. With the ID records, they have all they need to either sell your character or offer your information to a character cheat. This can incite some extremely upsetting outcomes, for instance, financial deception. Persistently guarantee that the online club you're joining at is certified.
Here's a rapid plan to help you with doing:
• Check if the electronic wagering districts have a real license from a coordinated force like the UK Gambling Commission or Malta Gaming Authority.
• Read the terms of usage. Believe it or not, some nonconformist wagering objections will reveal to you that they guarantee all position to sell your nuances. You'll when in doubt find this information in the assurance methodology.
• Read start to finish, Sa Gaming by experts in the field. Additionally as in some other industry, experienced review gatherings can regularly spot and highlight questionable things that you most likely won't observe.
I know doubtlessly that betting clubs do offer nuances to various directors since I regularly get texts from betting clubs I've never thought about. In any case, what we're talking about here is a whole assorted animal. Information misrepresentation can annihilate you and can cost thousands of dollars in genuine costs to fix. PC coders can do some unfathomable things, anyway sadly, few out of every odd one of them choose to use their powers for good. On the off chance that you're the sort of player who likes to download online club or poker clients, you could be feeble against such a web wagering stunt. Spyware does what it says on the tin; it watches out for your PC and takes information. This could incite misrepresentation or more horrible. A couple of individuals have even injury up the setbacks of investigation or compulsion designs because of PC spyware.
submitted by muazbutt99 to u/muazbutt99 [link] [comments]

Eskimo Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Eskimo Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Eskimo Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonus
Join Eskimo Casino and receive 110 free spins and a 100% welcome bonus. This includes 10 gratis spins a no deposit bonus! Sign up now and play for free! This is the best online casino for players in the Netherlands, Finland, Luxembourg and Andorra!
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Eskimo Casino Review
Eskimo Casino features a tropical theme, which couldn’t be further from the ‘cool’ name it bears. Owned and operated by Lux Entertainment Limited, Eskimo Casino is the first and only gambling product owned by the company. Eskimo Casino is a new casino, having only launched in 2018, which means it has an uphill task of competing with long-established casinos with a worthy fan-base. However, this Maltese registered company have designed a casino with the player in mind; from easy navigation to an instant play feature. Whatever you love to place a bet on, you will find it here. The casino is accessible across all devices and again, no apps required to play on mobile or tablet devices. Customers can enjoy the casino in the English language only. Promotions-wise, there is the generous welcome offer and that’s it!
Let’s find out more in this Eskimo Casino review!
Design & Features
The design and layout of Eskimo Casino are very unique, what with an uncluttered welcome page waiting to greet you. The latest promotions will be featured to the top of the page and beneath this, is where you will find the games lobby. There is no menu or links to other sections such as promotions because there are none! The colour scheme is blue, to give a feel of an ice cool environment, but the games will soon warm you up. Head to the lower of the page and you will find a handful of links which include terms and conditions, bonuses, payment and contact.

What makes Eskimo Casino one of the best EU online casinos?

The Eskimo on the front page of this casino site is a cute cartoon girl.
We have no idea why this casino site is themed this way, other than almost all the other possible themes for casino sites are gone!
Whether or not you like this cute and approachable look there’s much more to a good casino site than just the front page illustration.
And we think that Eskimo Casino is one of the best EU online casinos and one that you should consider playing at.
This is why we think that.
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Eskimo Casino is licensed, legal and safe

Eskimo Casino is fairly new, with a birthday in 2018, but it’s got a parent company that is slightly older than that in the shape of Lux Entertainment Ltd.
They have licenses from the UK Gambling Commission, and the Malta Gaming Authority, two of the most demanding authorities in the world.
They have a lot more safety and security measures in place too, including auditing and extra online security from Go Daddy, and great links to gambling safety organizations.

Eskimo Casino has the World’s Best Slots

Great titles from great providers are what most players are looking for first. So, after you’ve checked the licensing (as we insist you do), you’re going to browse their games.
There you’ll find some big-name titles like Book of Lords, Finn’s Golden Tavern, Flower Fortunes, Conan, Deco Diamonds, and Jackpot 6000.
These titles show the breadth of games on offer, taking in character games, classic retro games, and novelty titles.
It’s a great selection.

Eskimo Casino has great Live Casino Games

There are really two top quality live casino providers at the moment. They are NetEnt and Evolution Gaming.
At Eskimo Casino, you’ll find the selection from NetEnt live.
This means superb games delivered live and streaming with excellent dealers and croupiers.
The games include all your favourites, like roulette and blackjack, but also a load of variants on those titles and slightly less common games too.

Eskimo Casino Takes Great Payment Methods

To play any of those games you’ll need to have money in your account. And Eskimo allow you to cash up your account via all the industry’s current favourite payment methods.
You can use your Visa and MasterCard cards, as well as their online wallets. But also e-wallets like the industry’s faves, Neteller and Skrill as well as Paysafecard, Trustly, and more.
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Eskimo Casino has 24/7 Help

Help is the last resort for casino players. You don’t want to use it, but it needs to be there. Eskimo go a long way to reassuring you before you call them, and have a good FAQ page and a lot of information around the site.
Help is there though from a customer support team who are available around the clock whenever you fancy playing at Eskimo Casino.
Whether you’re playing video slots, slots, table games or live casino games, you can always find help at Eskimo Casino, one of the coolest sites we’ve ever seen.

Eskimo Casino Games

Amatic, Microgaming and NetEnt are the force behind the games here at Eskimo Casino. That means not as much choice as leading casinos, yet, there is something to suit all tastes and budgets.
The layout of the games lobby is simple and places all the games into the following categories:
  • Popular: Here you will find the games that are played more often than others. Titles will change on a regular basis, so keep checking to see if your favourite games are listed.
  • Video slots: This list is an extensive one, offering games from adventure to sports! Avalon, Alaskan Fishing, Aloha! Cluster Pays, Ariana, Blood Suckers II, Brides Maids, Break Da Bank Again, and Burning Desire are just a few to mention.
  • Slots: In this section of the lobby you will find classic slots, those that feature bars and bells and nostalgic gameplay. Players can choose to play the classic slots with nothing but base game wins, or more modern creations with multipliers and may be even bonuses thrown in for good measure. Cash Splash, Fire & Ice, Hot Scatter, Hot Star, Jackpot 6000 and All Ways Joker are among the 30-odd titles featured.
  • Live casino: Place your bets in an atmosphere that resembles a real-life casino, when you sit at the virtual tables at Eskimo Casino. Common Draw Blackjack, Live Blackjack, Live Mobile Roulette High Roller, Live Roulette, VIP Live Blackjack, and VIP Live Roulette are the tables being beamed directly from NetEnt studios.
  • Table games: There are almost 40 different table games to choose from in this category of the games lobby. Red Dog Progressive, Punto Banco, French Roulette, Pontoon Pro – High Limit, and Caribbean Stud Poker are just a few of the more popular games being played.
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Eskimo Casino welcome bonus and other promos

New customers at Eskimo Casino are welcomed with 10 free spins with no deposit required when they sign up and add a payment method. Don’t worry, nothing will be taken from your bank account unless you wish to take advantage of the welcome offer.
Once you’ve played through your freebies, you can claim a 100% casino bonus up to €100. So if you were to deposit €100, you would have a total of €200 to play with. Not only that, but an additional 100 free spins will be credited to your account and you can use them on the following slots:
  • Finn and the Swirly Spin;
  • Wild Wild West;
  • Shangri-La;
  • Aloha! Cluster Pays;
  • Joker Pro.
All bonuses (so that’s just the welcome offer and the free spins), will be subjected to a 35x wagering requirement. This means that if you were to take advantage of the full welcome offer, not only would you would need to play through any winnings accrued from the free spins, a total of 35x – but a €200 welcome bonus means an eye-watering €7000 turn over requirement before you can request a withdrawal.

Treated like a VIP?

Unfortunately, you will find no loyalty scheme no VIP program on offer at Eskimo Casino. We hope to see these added at a later date.

Banking Options

Deposit options
Funding your casino account can be done through a handful of deposit methods; Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, PaysafeCard and Bank Transfer. The cashier lists useful information and pre-set value buttons, to make the depositing process an easy one. Follow the on-screen instructions and within a few minutes, you will have funds in your account.
  • Currencies accepted are: Euros.
Withdrawals at Eskimo Casino
There’s limited information on the withdrawal process, but Eskimo Casino claim to be able to sort withdrawals within a 24 hour period. Typically, all major credit and debit cards can take up to 3 working days to process. So, if Eskimo Casino can do this in under one day – then that’s fast!
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Safe and trusted

‘We pride ourselves at Eskimo Casino on being able to provide our customers with only the coolest, highest-quality games and our table games, including blackjack and roulette, are just the tip of the iceberg! We also offer players the opportunity to enjoy slots, video slots, live casino games and jackpot games – so there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell we won’t have something to suit your gaming needs! Here at Eskimo Casino, we won’t make your blood run cold. Our RNG (Random Number Generator) games are all fully-licensed and certified and therefore our customers can rest assured that the outcomes of these games are purely random and cannot be influenced in any way.
What’s more, Eskimo Casino offers live dealer games for those customers who come to us seeking the ‘real casino’ vibe. You don’t even have to worry about getting cold feet on your way to the casino! These live dealer games are broadcast to you from state-of-the-art live casino studios so you can feel as if you’re stepping right into the glitz and glamour of a real casino without even having to leave the comfort of your own home!’
Eskimo Casino is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA), this means that the casino operates in full compliance with the rules and regulations set by the MGA.

What’s the verdict of Eskimo Casino?

Can we start with Eskimo Casino’s claim to be the ‘friendliest bonus system online’; ‘Every online casino has its own bonus system but why would you settle for something lukewarm when you could join Eskimo Casino and enjoy the coolest and friendliest bonus system of them all. Here at Eskimo Casino, your bonuses are kept available in a separate wallet. As an Eskimo Casino customer, you will always play your own cash first and if and when your cash funds are lost, you will then be able to continue playing with your bonus funds.
The advantage of this is that Eskimo Casino customers and players are never bonded to our bonus terms whilst playing with their own cash funds. If one of our customers wins big with their own cash funds, they are always then able to cancel their bonus funds and continue playing in our live online casino, or withdraw their profits.’
Now, anyone who has ever played at an online casino knows that cash is spent before bonuses, so I’m not sure how this is even considered as friendly!
There is a decent selection of games to choose from and some life-changing cash up for grabs, but the lack of bonuses and loyalty scheme are noticeable. You can tell that the company who owns Eskimo Casino don’t have much experience in the online gambling industry because they are doing nothing to keep players coming back for more. It’s all very well and good offering a generous welcome bonus, but once claimed, what do customers have to look forward to? That being said, the 5x wagering terms are hefty and I’m not sure how anyone could cash out from that.
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Winners Magic Casino - free spins, bonus code, promotion

Winners Magic Casino - free spins, bonus code, promotion

Winners Magic Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonus
As soon as you create your account with Winners Magic Casino, you will get free spins and free money bonus. Enjoy 100 gratis spins on Starburst or Gemix plus 100% up to 200 EUR or USD. All new players welcome. No download needed! You can also play on mobile!
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Welcomes you with €200 and 100 Free Spins!
The Sorting Hat has changed his occupation from determining which Hogwarts student fits into which Hogwarts house, to determining who will win the big jackpot at this fantastic new online casino. Winner’s Magic is a brand-new online casino which first saw the light of day in May 2019. The online casino is owned by VitaMediaLabs ApS and operated by the well-known White-label-provider Aspire Global.
The website is available in an array of languages ranging from English to German, and also including Norwegian and Finnish. The availability of the casino in different languages means that more people can access the website in their native tongue making it more attractive to players from different corners of the world. Despite the internet reaching everywhere and the casino’s hard work to make it available in several different tongues, Winner’s Magic is restricted to players from Australia, France, Italy, and the United States as well as all countries where online gambling is prohibited by national and/or local law.
In another measure to make their casino available, safe, and trustworthy, Winner’s Magic Casino has acquired remote gambling licenses. This means that with the licenses their customers have an authority to turn to in case they are feeling mistreated. The gambling authorities set up rules and regulations which the online casino must follow to be licensed, the seriousness of such rules depends on the authority. The Malta Gaming Authority and the UK Gambling Commission are two of the toughest gambling authorities and Winner’s Magic is licensed with both, meaning that customers can feel safe when using this online casino.
The online casino also implements an encryption key (128Bit-SSL) to ensure that all private data, handed by the customer to the casino, is kept safe and far away from unauthorized eyes. Additionally, Winner’s Magic is also audited by an independent auditor iTech Labs. They ensure that the games available to play on the casino are random and fair.
Winner’s Magic does not only set out to be a fair and honest online casino experience, but they also want to offer their customers entertainment and fantastic bonuses and promotions. All new players are therefore greeted to the casino with a Welcome Bonus consisting of up to €200 and 100 Free Spins. The Free Spins are allocated to the beloved slot machine from NetEnt – Starburst.
If you want to learn more about this casino, this online casino review will explore all of its parts, starting with taking a closer look into the welcome bonus and other promotions available at the online casino. The review will also look into the online casinos game library, their payment methods, the design of the website as well as the customer support. When concluding, we will reward Winner’s Magic with a score on our Barometer. A high score on that barometer means that we recommend the casino while a lower score means that there are other casinos which we prefer before the mentioned casino.
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Winners Magic Casino Bonus and Loyalty Program

As a new player at Winner’s Magic Casino you are welcomed with a match-up bonus and a total of 100 Free Spins. To receive this the player must make a first deposit of a minimum of €10. The casino matches your first deposit on up to €200 and at this time the first 20 Free spins are allocated to the popular slot machine Starburst. The match-up bonus, as well as the Free Spin winnings, must be wagered a minimum of 35x within 21 days of receiving the bonus.

We have broken down the bonus below for interested players:

• 1st deposit: 100% Match-up bonus on up to €200 + 20 Free Spins to Starburst.
• 2nd deposit: if on the second day a deposit of minimum €20 is made, 40 Free Spins to Starburst are received.
• 3rd deposit: if on the third day a deposit of minimum €20 is made, 40 Free Spins to Starburst are received.
No players from Sweden are available to take part in the bonus. The Free Spins must be used on the day they are received. Players can withdraw their deposited money before the wagering requirements are met but in doing so the bonus will expire. There are a lot of terms and conditions associated with the bonus, this is standard practice. It is also worth noting that not all games contribute to the wagering requirements the same. To learn more about which games contribute what to the wagering requirements players can read so here:\_eng\_EUR.html The bonus might not give players a lot in terms of winnings, but it does allow the player to experience the casino and what it has to offer without depositing too many of their funds.
In addition to the bonus, Winner’s Magic is intent on offering promotions to customers as the website has a promotion tab, currently only the welcome bonus is available there. As this casino is an Aspire Global operated casino, we are sure that more promotions will be available soon. We always recommend our readers to take a look at each promotion’s terms and conditions as these may vary.
The online casino offers an exciting loyalty program to all players. The best part about this program is that the more you play the bigger the rewards you can reap are. There are 7 levels in the VIP-program. Each level gives the player something special. For example, as a “Silver Member” the player will get 10 Free Games on Sunday, be able to take part in VIP Live Tournaments and receive a birthday bonus. All but two levels are achievable by just wagering money on the casino. Each €16 wagered reward 1 point, to achieve the highest available level 1000 points are needed. The two top levels “Premium VIP” and “Prestige VIP” can only be reached through exclusive invitation, these members will receive Personal Account Managers as well as higher Deposit and Cash Out Limits.
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Winners Magic Casino Games

To keep players engaged to the online casino there must be a big variation of games for players to be entertained and thrilled. A casino’s game library can often make or break it. Being an Aspire Global operated online casino means that Winner’s Magic can offer their customers plenty of options not only when it comes to the number of games but also the number of different categories. Winner’s Magic offers seven categories where players can find games “Featured Games”, “New”, “Video Slots”, “Classic”, “Casino Games”, “Scratch Cards”, and “All Games”.
The biggest category (if you disregard the “All Games” category) is the “Video Slot” category which includes over 400 games. These games are supplied to the casino by some of the most well-known and highly regarded game suppliers in the industry. Some of the most popular slot machine games include “Book of Dead”, “Fruity Friends”, “Wolf Riches” and “Aztec Gold”. These games are supplied by greats within the game supplier industry such as NetEnt, Microgaming, Play’N Go, PariPlay, and BetSoft. The “Video Slots” category also includes jackpot games such as “Bonanza”, “Aztec Gold – MEGAWAYS”, and “Royal Seven XXL”. When a winner hits a jackpot, other players will be able to see their success as Winner’s Magic has a banner with the latest winners on the side of the page that shows the games.
Slot machines can also be found under the category “Classic”, which include titles considered classic slot machines. Some of the titles include “Royal Seven”, “Wild Elements” and “Hot Spin - Deluxe”.
It is more and more popular today for game suppliers to create games inspired by the popular culture. There are games such as “Mission Cash” or “John Hunter and the Aztec treasure” who are reminiscent of character that exist in today’s popular culture (in this case they remind us of James Bond and Indiana Jones). Other games are not just inspired by popular culture but are a part of the franchise such as “Game of Thrones – online slot” or “Jumanji – Video slot”. For players interested in these types of games Winner’s Magic will not be a disappointment as these games and many more are available.
Under the category “Casino games” players will be able to find a selection of top-rated table games with titles such as “Sapphire Roulette”, “Blackjack – Multihand VIP”, and “Baccarat”. This category also includes “Casino Patience” and “Football Studio”. The category includes close to 70 games and it is also under this category that players can find Live Casino games. The Live Casino Games transport the players from wherever in the world they are to a real casino with professional dealers and tables with plenty of other players. The Live Casino games are supplied by one of the most well-known Live Casino game suppliers on the market – Evolution Gaming. Evolution Gaming set themselves apart by not only offering top-quality games, but they also offer many of their games in different languages. Play Roulette in Finnish, German or Norwegian if you dare!
The final category of games available at Winner’s Magic is “Scratch Cards”. This category includes over 60 games. Some of the most popular titles include “Hit The Bank”, “Wizard of all”, “Bingo”, and “Scratch N’ Roll”. The games in this category are all a bit different but what they have in common is that some scratching is required to reveal a win.
We find it incredibly encouraging and exciting that a new casino such as Winner’s Magic offers their customer so many different options when it comes to games. We are also pleased to be able to inform our readers that this casino’s games are independently audited by iTech Labs to ensure that the results are random and fair, yet another point which we find to be very positive.
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Winners Magic Casino Depositing and Withdrawing

One of the most important points, when a customer is looking for a new casino, is what payment methods are available for depositing and withdrawing. The online casino must offer their customer methods which are both more local like (Zimpler) and international like Credit/Debit Card.
Winner’s Magic has taken this into account and therefore offer payment methods from the most well-known banking methods as well as some local banking methods. The minimum deposit is €10, and several currencies are accepted. For example, players can deposit Euros, Krona (Norwegian), as well as Canadian dollars and Pounds. The deposits almost exclusively take place instantly.
Once the wagering requirements have been met and the player is ready to withdraw their winnings, there are several methods which can be used. The most common thing is that the method used to deposit is used to withdraw, the only exception to this is when the deposit method is not available to withdraw then the player can choose to for example have the money transferred via Bank Transfer. There is a pending time of 24 hours on all withdrawals. The maximum withdrawal is €7.000/month and the minimum withdrawal for most methods is €10. The limit is in our opinion slightly low but understandable due to the newness of this online casino. There are no fees on withdrawal which is something we appreciate.
We believe that any casino that tries to make their banking methods as wide and accepting as possible have their customer’s best at heart, as can be seen by Winner’s Magic. Unfortunately, we do find that the withdrawal times are slightly slow as the fastest way to withdraw funds still requires three business days. This is not a problem limited to this casino but with most and is something we would love to see the industry change.
Another point which we find great about this online casino is that it implements a 128-bit SSL encryption key on all sensitive data. This means that whatever private information is sent by the customer to the casino is protected and safeguarded from unauthorized eyes. The casino also works hard to prevent fraud and therefore can demand additional verification of identity from the customer. In the case of Sweden, all customers must verify having reached the legal gambling age of 18. The customer will then have up to 30 days to verify their age if this is not done within the time limit the customer’s account will be shut down. In our opinion, any casino that goes the length to abide by the rules and regulations set up by different countries to safeguard the players, are good casinos.
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JackpotCity Casino 50 free spins bonus on Fancy Bells slot

JackpotCity Casino 50 free spins bonus on Fancy Bells slot

JackpotCity Casino Free Spins
Click on the bonus link below and collect 50 free spins on Fancy Bells slot at JackpotCity Casino! This is no deposit bonus for new players. Enjoy our Christmas promotion all year long!
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About JackpotCity Casino

Jackpot City Casino has been around since 1998. It was one of the first online casinos and still after 20 years offers a fantastic game play experience. Jackpot City is a pure Microgaming casino, which means that only Microgaming games like Immortal Romance, Break da Bank Again, Tomb Raider and Thunderstruck are offered at this casino. The games are very popular and Jackpot City ensures that new ones are added almost on a daily basis.
The reputation should always be a criteria when signing up with an online casino but it is also important for the casino to have a license. There are a total of three licenses issued for casinos, the first being from Malta, where Jackpotcity also has its license from. Then there is also the gambling license from the UK Gambling Commission and one from Curacao. Jackpot City is a reputable provider which guarantees a game play experience without any hassle. Visit the casino today via this “Sign up here” button and get your 50 free spins at jackpotcity today.
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About Jackpot City mobile casino

Jackpot City casino is one of the most experienced casino's out there. It serves you all the mobile microgaming slots (150+ games), even the older classic ones. The support is amazing and the casino offers regular extra bonuses. You can switch between mobile or desktop version with the same account.
All normal payment methods including Paysafecard and Neteller are valid. Besides all of this, Jackpot City is very reliable and scores high ratings on all kinds of review websites. So what are you waiting for? Play with 50 jackpotcity free spins on Boom galaxy no deposit needed. Plus don't fotget you are also eligible for up to $1600 cash bonus!
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New esports platform DMScript (DMST) at sub 300k mcap

DMScript (DMST) is a new esports gaming platform which I think has some potential.
So, a little about DMScript: the DMST ecosystem will consist of a four main parts which will bring users to their platform.
  1. DMPlay which will focus on cloud-based gaming to allow users to play games by streaming. A project that will allow gamers to stream their favorite video games to Mac, Android, iOS or PC devices in full-HD & 60 FPS.
  2. Higglo is DMScript’s flagship product, allowing for peer-to-peer betting on your favorite esport teams. It will soon be fully licensed and regulated by the UK Gambling Commission.
  3. DMFast is an optimized gaming network to correct low latency when gamers are playing. Designed to fix the common problem of low ping while playing.
  4. Ubrzy is DMScript’s online store where users can buy in-game products.
DMST token brings the entire suite together and will be used as the platform’s currency. Holders will also be able to access its premium features.
Recent Good News and Info
· On September 8th, OG Esports announced a partnership with DMScript. The story was picked up by CoinTelegraph after announced. OG the only esport organization to win back-to-back Dota 2 international titles and currently has a licensing deal with Red Bull.
· The demo for Higglo expected to launch in Q3 of this year along with a marketing campaign and a staking platform. Q4 roadmap includes: bug bounty program and Higglo’s official launch (with its mobile map).
· DMScript has undergone a token audit which was recently published, conducted by the Shield Security team which has audited more than 700 smart contracts. Team tokens are locked for two years.
· Currently, liquidity on Uniswap is a healthy $100,000.
At this market cap ($270k at the time of writing), I think DMST is a low-risk gamble which is going to fly sooner or later. Accumulate and see you on the other side.
submitted by KryptoKryptic to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

How I make enough money to live off!

Over the years, I've been able to make huge amounts of money online (over 40k on etsy alone with no use of social media). I'm always looking for new ways to support myself while I'm travelling as I'm not able to silversmith or to do professional photography which are my main source of income when I'm in the UK.
If you offer any kind of digital skills then you should look into freelancing! Even if you don't you can find virtual assistant jobs, data entry jobs and more on these sites. You can earn anywhere between £10-200+ a day depending on your skills and other variables.
Freelancer - Ref Non Ref
Freelancer is you guessed it one of the biggest freelancing websites. It has thousands of jobs in all sorts of specialisms. I've both freelanced on here and regularly hire on here. I've been paid as much as £300 for one gig on here, but most paid £30 or less. You are competing with a more affordable Asian/Indian market who are willing to work for much less than you are. Most of the gigs here aren't super well paid and it doesn't have a super high hire rate (as in there are lots of posts advertising to pay $250 for x who never hire anyone = waste of your time). This website used to be run awry with bots (so you were competing with thousands of automatic responses), but they recently got rid this which is great! Get £15 free to use for gigs when you sign up via that link.
Pph - Non Ref
A much better paid freelancing website! This is a UK based freelancer website, there is less work going but the work going is much higher paid. Gigs often have a £50 or so minimum. I've landed lots of regular graphic design and illustration work here, and it's not very competitive. I randomly got kicked off this site for no reason, and found the new approval process very difficult. You have to get awarded over 5 jobs in 2 months so stay on which is hard with the quantity of jobs going.
Upwork - Non Ref
A mid range freelancing website. Lots of work going here, and not super competitive either. However, this website used to give you a certain amount of bids for free per month (which was great!) and now no longer offers this. So you have to pay for every bid, which really adds up! Especially as most of the gigs only pay around $15-30.
Fiverr - Ref
Non Ref
The cheapest guy on the market! I've been a part of this network since the beginning, and it's a little different than the rest as you offer your gig (such as logo design) for X and people purchase it. This website used to be really great and non-competitive but it has swung waaay the other way and you get lost in a sea of listings. Get 20% off your first order when you sign up via the link!
Micro tasking
Microtasking is where you get paid small amounts of money (usually $1 or less) to do things like browse a website or like a facebook page. They are often super quick jobs and can easily add up if you only pursue the better paid gigs and the ones that are quick (such as like 10 facebook pages en masse). Something to be wary of is all of these sites make money from charging you between 5-20% fees when you withdraw your earnings so you have to cater for this when you take on work! You can easily earn £5 or so a day.
Micro worker - Non Ref
The biggest microtasking site that I know of, a huge variety of work available on here and you will likely find the best paid work due to this.
Pico workers - Ref Non Ref
Another microtasking site I use, slightly less work available but I find being on as many of these sites as possible allows you to earn more.
Click worker - Ref Non Ref
This isn't quite a microtask site, more a microjob site where the gigs pay a little better (often $5-10). Well worth checking out! It has an app too!
Survey Sites
Survey sites can be a great supplementary income. You're never going to be able to live off it but can easily earn £10 or so a day.
Vindale - Ref Non Ref
One of the biggest survey sites around, most of the surveys pay $1 or more and there is always lots available. They have around a $50 minimum to cash out.
Populus live - Non Ref
My personal favourite! This is never mentioned on anyone's 'survey sites to join' list as they don't have referral links! They are UK site which pay £1 for 5 minutes. They dish out a £3 survey most working days of the week. They have a £50 minimum 'cash out' (they send a cheque). I've cashed out more than once on this website.
Surveybods - Non Ref
My next favorite survey site is survey sites is another UK one, they pay around 50-75p per 5 minutes. They send out about 5 surveys per week, and you can cash out at £15.
A new one for me, these guys pay straight into your bank account and most of the surveys pay $5.
Atta Poll - Ref Non Ref
An app that sends out frequent surveys and pays alright!
Prize rebel - Ref Non Ref
A big one, similar to swag bucks. Lots of offers available.
Lux Surveys Ref Non Ref
This one is good... Sends out daily surveys that pay £1 or less!
Website Testing
If you have high speed internet website testing is a great way to earn some spare cash. You have to be quick though! As soon as those emails come in you have to start immediately as they only need a few testers. These pay around $10-15 per website test which only takes 10-15 minutes.
Userlytics - Non Ref
TrymyUI - Non Ref
All of these are pretty similar, but the idea is great! You basically find a vendor you would like to shop on via the website, shop as you would and you get cash back! Honey and Wildo both have browser extensions which notify you if you can get cashback and Honey even finds you discount codes! Most have a £10 minimum to cash out. I use all of these, but I love Kidstart as it offers cashback for Amazon and Ebay which are the main places I've shopped. I've had over £100 back!
Honey - Ref Non Ref Grab 500 points when you sign up via this link!
Kidstart - Ref Non Ref
Quidco - Ref Non Ref
Topcashback - Ref Non Ref
Differs from other sites as offers free cashback offers which pay pretty quick. Get a £2 bonus when you sign up via that link. Can cash out at £15 and has over £10 worth of free offers.
Creative Type?
If you are the creative type, there are lots of ways you can either sell products or sell your services. Fiverr was one I previously mentioned but there are a few more below which are great....
Printful - Ref NON Ref
This website is awesome, if you make graphics/illustrations this is a site you should know about. It's a POD (Print On Demand) company, they basically help you make super realistic mockups and ship out your products as they are ordered. They even make it look like you shipped it! You don't need to hold any stock and don't have to invest a penny! You will need a shop front though, like Etsy - (use that link to sign up for 40 free listings!) or shopify. With no social media, but well optimized etsy listings I easily make about £50 a month (profit) from these products.
Tee Spring - Non Ref
If you make designs take a look at Tee Spring. I talk about Etsy below, which offers a huge amount of potential free traffic but costs a little per month. If you are looking for a free alternative to sell your designs then teespring is the way to go. You can list as many products as you like, choose your profit margins and voila! You have a working free shop.
Creative Market - Non Ref
If you make any sort of digital products ... graphics, web design, fonts, or even stock imagery check out creative market. It's a high end website (you have to get approved to sell) where you can sell all sorts of bits and bobs! The website gets reasonable amount of traffic and sales. It doesn't cost a penny to sell, but they take a 50% commission which is huuuuuge. I don't mind though as you can list your products and leave it. I don't make much here, but about $20 a month here for no work isn't so bad.
Etsy - Ref NON Ref
Etsy is my favourite way to make money online. I've been selling on this site for over 10 years! Ive made over 40k in sales to date. You can sell anything handmade on this website, it gets millions of hits per day and almost everyone browsing is looking to buy something. It may be a little saturated now and hard to have your listings found, but I still think it's the best place to sell just about anything (especially if it's on the more expensive end of things). If you use the link above to open your shop you will get 40 free listings!
Swagbucks - Ref Non Ref
A very famous one, but a phone app which enables you to do all sorts of offers, surveys, etc. to earn swag bucks which you can exchange for gift cards. Sometimes has some well paid gigs on here.
Qmee - Ref Non Ref
This is a little browser addon/website which basically pays you to search the web and click their relevant adds. They pay 5 or 10p per add, but it adds up very quickly. You can cash out to paypay immediately which is great. They also offer very badly paid surveys which I wouldn't recommence. Grab a 50p bonus when you sign up via the link!
20cogs - Ref NON Ref
This is a great UK website I found, you basically complete 20 offers (some are a bit spammy fortunately) which pay about £5-15 each. When you complete 20 offers you can cash out into your bank account. I made £150 but the cashouts average from £150-500. Grab a £10 bonus when you sign up via the link!
Oh my dosh - Ref Non Ref
Similar to 20cogs but pays a little less per offer and you can cash out at £10! Grab a £2 bonus when you sign up via the link
Neilsen mobile - NON ref
An app I discovered the other day, you install it and it tracks your Internet use in the background. I've made about £10 over 4 months which is fine by me for no work at all!
Fatlama - Ref Non Ref
If you have anything worth renting fatlama is great! From instruments to scanners you can rent all kinds of cool things! It allows you to make money from stuff that you already own and is mainly sat around. I've not had huge success with this but I don't live in London (as everything is pickup), but some people do super well.
Matched betting - Ref NON ref
Something I used to do, You can easily make 2k working through all the joining offers of various gambling companies. However, after this I didn't find it super worth my time. Profit accumulator is a must if you are interested in this! They offer a 14 day free trial if that's ya thing! - Ref Non Ref
A new addition of mine... This app tracks your steps and literally pays you to walk. If you excercise lots you can earn over $1 a day passively!
This a shortened version of a blog post of mine found here
submitted by Affectionate-Talk-95 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

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